6种有效的领导风格引领卓越绩效(6 effective leadership styles lead performance excellence).doc

6种有效的领导风格引领卓越绩效(6 effective leadership styles lead performance excellence).doc

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6种有效的领导风格引领卓越绩效(6 effective leadership styles lead performance excellence)

6种有效的领导风格引领卓越绩效(6 effective leadership styles lead performance excellence) You have the characteristics of effective leadership body? What is the best leadership style? What kind of leadership style can bring outstanding performance for the organization? This is the core problem of the research in the field of leadership attention. At the end of the Second World War, the United States of Ohio State University and the University of Michigan researchers began to study the leadership behavior and style. Today, scholars have published thousands of papers and books, until today, the relationship between the leader of the best leadership style and organizational performance is still a hot topic in academic circles and business circles. In order to recognize the leadership of the elephant, whole, we must first understand the local leadership . At present, there are six kinds of leadership style big influence got attention of the academic and business circles. No.1: charismatic leadership Charm (charisma) comes from the Greek word, meaning gift, which was first used in the Christian Bible, said a mysterious spirit of the Holy Spirit. The German sociologist Marx?? Webb first put forward the theory of charismatic leadership, charismatic leadership theory and used to explain and study the social and political leaders. In 1977, the organization behavior scientist Robert?? Moorhouse will introduce the charismatic leadership theory to business organization, and the charismatic leaders act accordingly. The core of this style of leadership is that the leader has charm which is a special quality. The charm of that may be present in the leader of the extraordinary quality of life, may also be formed in the interaction between leaders and followers. The behavior characteristics of charismatic leaders including the role of simulation, image display, unconventional behavior, impression management, value guidance, depicting attractive vision, establish role models etc.. Many studies show



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