avr单片机实现的485通讯从机接收程序(带帧校验)单片机(AVR microcontroller to achieve the 485 communication from the machine to receive procedures (with frame check), single-chip microcomputer).doc

avr单片机实现的485通讯从机接收程序(带帧校验)单片机(AVR microcontroller to achieve the 485 communication from the machine to receive procedures (with frame check), single-chip microcomputer).doc

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avr单片机实现的485通讯从机接收程序(带帧校验)单片机(AVR microcontroller to achieve the 485 communication from the machine to receive procedures (with frame check), single-chip microcomputer)

avr单片机实现的485通讯从机接收程序(带帧校验)单片机(AVR microcontroller to achieve the 485 communication from the machine to receive procedures (with frame check), single-chip microcomputer) AVR MCU 485 communication receiving program from the machine (with frame check) chip 2009-08-31 14:15:48 read 442 comments 0 small subscription number: / / slave program The //01 data frame //02 command frame //03 frame 01 confirmed 02 deny #includeavr/io.h #includeavr/interrupt.h #includeinttypes.h #includeutil/delay.h #include avr/pgmspace.h #includestring.h #define myaddr 0x01 / / define the address of the machine #define (rx_485); ASM (CBI 0x13,2); //portd.2 cleared to the receiving state #define (tx_485); ASM (SBI 0x13,2); //portd.2 is set to send state Volatile struct conn{ Unsigned char buf[70]; Unsigned char data[64]; Unsigned char srcadd; / / source address Unsigned char aimadd; / / destination address Unsigned char TP; / / frame type Int num; Int tmp; Unsigned char ver; / / verification code; Unsigned char err; / / error code; 01: frame check. }tx, rx; Volatile unsigned char com; / / command Const unsigned char flash_str[] PROGMEM = 0123456789; ISR (USART_RXC_vect) { Rx.buf[rx.tmp]=UDR; /*test If (rx.tmp==0 and rx.buf[rx.tmp]==t) { (totx); Tx.num=16; Strcpy (tx.buf, can I help you); Tx.buf[15]=0x0D; UCSRB|= (1UDRIE); / / send frame }; * / If (rx.tmp==0 rx.buf[rx.tmp]! =myaddr) / / return directly to the wrong address { Receive 0.15 seconds / / ban. Feasible, because the use of interrupt mode, does not affect the normal use UCSRB=~ (1RXEN); //0.15 seconds after the automatic entry into the receiving state. (timer1_init); Return; }; If ((rx.tmp4) (rx.tmp==rx.buf[3]+4) (rx.buf[rx.tmp]! =rx.ver)) / / validation error { When receiving / / after the end, what things are not dry, just waiting to receive. Rx.err=0x01; }; If ((rx.tmp4) (rx.tmp==rx.buf[3]+5) rx.err==0 (rx.buf[rx.tmp]==0xcc)) / / normal end { / / frame type case / / deny frame or confirmation frame or other frame TCCR2 = 0



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