7 商店建筑设计规范(7 code for design of shop building).doc

7 商店建筑设计规范(7 code for design of shop building).doc

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7 商店建筑设计规范(7 code for design of shop building)

7 商店建筑设计规范(7 code for design of shop building) Seven, the store building design code (JGJ 48---88) 2.1.3 large and medium-sized shop building should be not less than two of the import and export of city road and adjacent; the total length of surrounding or building or base should be not less than 1/4 and not less than two and the entrance side of city road adjacent. 2.1.4 large and medium-sized store base, should set up the net width of not less than 4m at the back of the building or the side of road transport. The base can also be provided with fire lane road transport. The indoor public stair 3.1.6 business part of the ladder not less than 2460 1.4m, step height should not exceed 0.16m, step width should be no less than 0.28m. 3.1.7 large stores operating section of 4 layer and 4 layer above, are advised to set up an escalator or elevator passengers; multi warehouse shops can be according to the scale set cargo elevator or electric hoist, conveyor. The angle between the 3.1.8 operating section of the escalator inclined part and the horizontal plane should be less than or equal to 300; both ends of the upper and lower part of the escalator level within the range of 3M may not be as he. When only a one-way escalator, must be installed in the vicinity of the compatible stairs. 3.1.11 air conditioning system stores, wall between the business hall and air handling room for fire and sound insulation structure, not directly to the door. 3.2.2 business hall area index according to the average sales post 15m2 (including customer take part); can also be female customers 1. 35 m2. If the goods piled up a lot of business hall, the index calculation outside the area into the warehouse 3.2.3 common business hall in the aisle the smallest 2460: (1) the channel between the counter and the wall or the show window, 2.20m; (2) the channel between the two parallel counter: Each A. counter length is less than 7.5m, 2.20m; B. counter in a length of less than 7.5m and another counter l



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