ct常用数据(CT common data).doc

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ct常用数据(CT common data)

ct常用数据(CT common data) A head and neck The eye ring thickness 2-4mm. The optic nerve coarse 3-6mm. The third ventricle width 3-8mm. The top width of the cerebral sulci should not exceed 5mm. The opening of internal auditory canal anteroposterior diameter of normal 3-5mm, more than 5mm. The height of pituitary gland in normal male 1.4-5.9mm (average 3.5mm), female 2.7-6.7mm (average 4.8mm), especially young women with gestational high diameter up to 9-10mm (some reports of 12mm), its diameter is about 8mm wide, generally high pituitary tumor size less than 10mm microadenomas, greater than 10mm is large adenoma. The algorithm of blood cerebral hemorrhage: length * width * height * PI /6 (unit: ml). Enter the period of phagocytosis in cerebral infarction 2-3W, often can see the blurring effect. Lacunar infarction size generally less than 15mm, less than 5mm CT is not easy to find, more than 15mm for the giant space, maximum diameter of up to 35mm. Separation of cranial sutures: generally bilateral cranial suture is more than 1mm, unilateral joint spacing is greater than 1-2mm, the adult cranial suture side is more than 1.5mm can be diagnosed in children, some cranial suture is wide, but also should not exceed 2mm. Intracranial hematoma CT value is higher than 60Hu, between 60-90Hu, the maximum should not exceed 94Hu (hematocrit 100% CT). Adipose tissue CT value is -80~-130Hu. Staging of acute subdural hematoma: 4d-3w 3D, subacute, chronic 3W. Septum pellucidum cyst: its diameter is greater than 3mm, double wall outward bulge, ellipsoid or subglobose, cerebrospinal fluid density. Exophthalmos: in good position on axial images, to make a connection between the two sides of the zygomatic process, normal people about 1/3 in the eye of the line, as in the line behind the eye area is less than 1/3, indicating significant exophthalmos. Bony canal length is about 1.5cm, occupy the canal within 2/3, 1/3 lateral cartilage. After the above sixth cervical esophagus cervical margi



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