bbd和ddx公式代码(BBD and DDX formula codes).doc

bbd和ddx公式代码(BBD and DDX formula codes).doc

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bbd和ddx公式代码(BBD and DDX formula codes)

bbd和ddx公式代码(BBD and DDX formula codes) 1, BBD statistics. And the analysis is simple and clear. 2, BBD provides instant status and trend of capital, which can be BBD to analyze the market trends through the current situation and possible. 3, BBD is positive, and rising, shows the advantage of multi. On the other hand, BBD is negative, declining, is air superiority. 4, the rise of BBD, especially BBD has continued to rise for a period of time, the market index is rising. Vice versa。 5, however, BBD lift and the market index is not necessarily completely consistent. For example, the market index fell, while the BBD is on the rise, it is likely to be the main is to suppress xichou. Then according to the situation of the stocks and then analyzed, decide whether to buy. While the BBD is on the decline, the market index is on the rise, there may be in for shipment. Then you have to be careful! Analysis of stocks need to buy their own, to see if its in the shipment. If it is in the ship, you must quickly thrown out without hesitation, in order to avoid quilt. 6 consecutive days, the rise of BBD, may usher in a large market, may also be the local signal to the top, which requires on-site analysis according to the actual situation. 7, BBD repeated shocks around a certain index, on both sides of the so-called well-matched in strength, market consolidation. If the whole day in the office, then the market is likely to receive a cross star. If it is a long time of consolidation for several days, then the market next trend is needed from other aspects for further research. 8, the BBD analysis method is also applicable to the stock market. The difference between BBD and DDX is: BBD (large single + single) trading, DDX (single) difference. Because of this, look at the market or stock market reference BBD is of great significance, is the main indicator of large import supervision. They only list the size of the formula, the principle is the same. 3, DDX DDX meaning? DDX is a technic


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