7的口决.(7 mouths never do).doc

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7的口决.(7 mouths never do)

7的口决.(7 mouths never do) 7 the multiplication of teaching design Teaching content: sixty-second - 63 pages of textbooks. Teaching objectives: 1, through 7 derivation of multiplication, multiplication and master the 7 calculation methods of multiplication with the corresponding formulas, improve the ability to solve practical problems. 2, in the process of application of formula 7 to memorize the multiplication. 3, in the process of self multiplication, continue to cultivate the ability to exchange the cooperation with the students autonomous learning attitude, and successful experience. The emphases and difficulties of teaching: 1, focus: derivation of multiplication of 7. 2, using the multiplication difficulties: 7, solve practical problems. Teaching aids: multimedia courseware. The teaching process: A study of pregnant formula. 1, situation creation. Teacher: have a few good friends and learn together today (show seven dwarfs), know them? Yes, they are a good friend of the 7 snow white dwarfs. 2, for pregnant v. (1) the sum of 7, several perception. Teacher: each of them to bring you a gift, you want to see? (computer first showed a dwarf and a string of small stars), count, there are a few small stars (7 teeth) two division: dwarves have brought a few 7? The three dwarfs? The four dwarfs? (computer turn show) (dwarf intends to put these small stars for you, want to get the dwarf reward? You want a good performance!) (2), fill in the form. Teacher: Well, first, the number of stars together will complete it (do form, ask the students to answer, fill in the computer). Teacher: the number of stars with small stars which are related to the number? (Writing: 7) with 7 that they have what relation? (a few 7 sum?) How much is that some say together 7 sum (14 is 7, 21 is 7). (4) reveal the topic: today we will learn together the multiplication 7 (complete writing task). Two, autonomous cooperation, creating formulas. 1, teacher: kids, let us learn the multiplication of 5,



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