800公里每小时的火车(A train of 800 kilometers per hour).doc

800公里每小时的火车(A train of 800 kilometers per hour).doc

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800公里每小时的火车(A train of 800 kilometers per hour)

800公里每小时的火车(A train of 800 kilometers per hour) When Elon Musk announced his vision of the Hyperloop high speed train, no one seemed to know what to do next. Elon is the CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX company, when he released a 57 page conceptual document, said he did not have time to build this revolutionary transportation system with the transmission module carrying passengers, with more than 800 miles per hour (about 1300 km / h) speed, moving rapidly in pipeline across the United States. Fortunately, in California, El Segundo startup JumpStartFund took the idea of the research work began in Elon, Hyperloop high speed train. JumpStartFund brings together all the chips and package models - pooling money and intelligence from all places - to combine the ambition of building Hyperloop with reality. When Elon put forward their own ideas, JumpStartFund just completed their beta test. The companys chief executive officer Dirk al Brian (Dirk Ahlborn) said that the development of Hyperloop high speed train project, the company seems to be testing their own practices (also for headlines) the best way. Therefore, they take the initiative to contact with the SpaceX company, put this item in its own online platform, and set up a Hyperloop transport technology (Hyperloop Transportation Technologies) subsidiary, responsible for the project. Operation mode Hyperloop transportation technology is a high-end atmospheric name, but it is not a very standard company, more like a loose team, composed of about 100 engineers from all parts of the United states. Team members use their spare time to study the idea that rewards are stock options. Dont look down upon these members. Apply to participate in the team is not easy, about 100 people have been shut out, success in almost all Boeing, NASA, YAHOO, Airbus, SpaceX and Salesforce such companies do full-time work. This is an organization of highly intelligent people. Members are divided into different work groups based on their interes



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