7天酒店 放羊式管理(7 day Hotel sheep type management).doc

7天酒店 放羊式管理(7 day Hotel sheep type management).doc

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7天酒店 放羊式管理(7 day Hotel sheep type management)

7天酒店 放羊式管理(7 day Hotel sheep type management) Unlike other hotels, within 7 days of flowing thick taste of the internet. On the one hand, 7 days in the business use of the Internet information technology, more importantly, they have Internet companies, democratic, transparent, relaxed, happy and independent culture introduced, they think that only use with human management mode, can be in after the listing, more quickly copy enterprise. There will be a chemical reaction between man and man. At the end of last year, has been working at WAL-MART for 14 years Zhang Ren met 7 days hotel founder Zheng Nanyan, the two hit it off. Count down only two or three meetings, a tough decision to leave the old club, joined the private enterprises, which makes many people quite surprised when WAL-MART. Zhang Ren loves playing taijiquan. A lot of old colleagues to remember now, the first batch of WAL-MART China local managers always talked about the relationship between Taiji, fencing, boxing and management in management meetings. Zheng Nanyan love reading Lao Tzu the moral, he loves horse riding, love huanghuali, rosewood furniture, do not love to socialize, nor to work constantly on the run. Taoism leader recognized deeply for 7 days by “ ” management of branded, it is this unique mean breath eventually attracted Zhang ren. The hotel industry in the Internet Culture Chief talent officer: as WAL-MART vice president candidate, middle-aged when joining a private enterprise is a risk, what makes you so? Zhang Ren: and Zheng Nanyan, his management philosophy and I agree, business, company innovation is very successful, and has been trying new content, but also committed to create a more unique management model. If such a platform, the enterprise from the large do, really help to local enterprises, will make people have a sense of achievement, it struck me at one ten. Chief talent Officer: as the companys chief operating officer, to the company, what is your specific goals for Zheng Nan



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