第5章 运算符表达式和语句.pdf

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第5章 运算符表达式和语句

第5章 运算符、表达式和语句 chenfei314@fzu.edu.cn 本章内容 while 运算符: +,-,*,/,% , ++ , -- 运算符的优先级 循环 复合语句、类型转换和类型指派 带有参数的函数 引例 #include stdio.h #define ADJUST 7.64 #define SCALE 0.325 int main(void) { double shoe, foot; shoe = 9.0; foot = SCALE * shoe + ADJUST; printf(Shoe size (mens) foot length\n); printf(%10.1f %15.2f inches\n, shoe, foot); return 0; } 循环 #include stdio.h #define ADJUST 7.64 #define SCALE 0.325 void main() { double shoe, foot; printf(Shoe size (mens) foot length\n); shoe = 3.0; while (shoe 18.5) { foot = SCALE*shoe + ADJUST; printf(%10.1f %15.2f inches\n, shoe, foot); shoe = shoe + 1.0; } printf(“If the shoe fits, wear it.\n”); } 基本运算符 +,-,*,/ 加、减、乘、除运算 四则混合运算中,先算乘除,后算加减, 先算左,后算右 % 求余运算 赋值运算符 #include stdio.h 赋值是从右到左进行的。 int main(void) { int jane, tarzan, cheeta; cheeta = tarzan = jane = 68; printf( cheeta tarzan jane\n); printf(First round score %4d %8d %8d\n, cheeta, tarzan, jane); return 0; } 乘法运算符 #include stdio.h int main(void) { int num = 1; while (num 21) { printf(%4d %6d\n, num, num * num); num = num + 1; } return 0; } checkerboard –指数增长 #define SQUARES 64 //棋盘上的方格数 #define CROP 1E15 // 以粒计的美国小麦产量 int main(void) { double current, total; int count = 1; printf(square grains total ); printf(fraction of \n); printf( added grains ); printf(US total\n); total = current = 1.0; // start with one grain printf(%4d %13.2e %12.2e %12.2e\n, count, current, total, total/CROP); while (count SQ


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