第五章 美洲经济地理.ppt

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第五章 美洲经济地理

* 1. Natural features and environmental assessment (1). Mainly in the plains and plateau The area of Brazil is 851 × 104 square kilometers. Most of the land is plateau and plain. The plateau which altitude is over 500m and the plain which is below 200m takes up 40% of the land respectively. Brazil plateau is the largest plateau in the world. It covers a total area of over 5 million square meters. The Amazon plateau is made by the Amazon River and its tributaries, and its area is about one-third of Brazils entire territory. Ⅱ.Brazil * 巴西河流众多, 主要属亚马孙河、 巴拉那河、圣弗朗 西斯科河三大水系。 2、水热资源丰富, 但地区分布不均。 * (2). Water and heat is resourceful, but they are inequable in different area. There are many rivers in Brazil. They mainly belong to Amazon, Parana and the San Francisco River. * 3、热带雨林广布,环境效益突出   1992年6月,联合国环境与发展大会在巴西里约热内卢举行。来自180多个国家和地区以及60多个国际组织和团体的代表出席了会议,共商爱护环境和保护生物多样性大计。巴西后来也提出了以保护生态环境为中心的可持续发展战略;采取措施控制该地区的扩张,并禁止出口原木。同时对亚马孙森林进行卫星监控,成立了由巴西、欧共体、美国和其他10多个国家组成的巴西热带雨林保护计划署。 * (3) Extensive tropical forests and prominent environmental benefits In June 1992, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Many delegates who are from more than 180 countries and regions and over 60 international organizations and groups attend the meeting. They discuss plans for the environment and the protection of biodiversity. Subsequently, Brazil made the sustainable development strategy to protect the ecological environment, and take measures to control the expansion in the region, and forbid exporting the logs. Meanwhile, the Amazon forest is monitored by satellite monitoring. And a plan for protecting the tropical rainforest of Brazil was set up by Brazil, the European Community, The United States and other more than 10 countries. * (二) 经济改革成就与问题 20世纪80年代巴西经济特点是债务危机、高通货膨胀和经济停滞,被称为“失去的十年”。进入90年代后,新政府对巴西经济发展作了调整,结束了实行多年的进口替代发展战略,实施经济对外开放。巴西经济状态有了明显改观。 (1)总体经济平稳增长。   (2)通货膨胀率迅速下降。   (3)外资


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