第十二板块 选修六 Modules4~6 Module5 Cloning 高考对接题.doc

第十二板块 选修六 Modules4~6 Module5 Cloning 高考对接题.doc

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第十二板块 选修六 Modules4~6 Module5 Cloning 高考对接题

第十二板块 选修六 Modules4~6 Module5 Cloning [高考对接题] .单项填空(建议用时8′) 1.If you grow up in      large family,you are more likely to develop      ability to get on well with others. A.不填;an        B.a;the C.the;an D.the;the 解析:考查冠词。a large family泛指任何一个大家庭;the ability to do sth.特指做某事的能力。 答案:B 2.—I cant stand David any longer.Hes always finding fault with me. —    .He isnt so bad actually. A.Its my guess B.Up to you C.Oh,come on D.You are right 解析:考查情景交际。根据下句中“他实际上并不那么糟”可知不同意对方的说法——戴维总找他的茬儿。因此用“Oh,come on(哦,得了吧)”。“Its my guess”意为“我的推测”;Up to you意为“你来决定”;You are right意为“你说得对”,均不符合题意。 答案:C 3.During the interview,I was so nervous that my mind went      and I didnt know how to answer the questions. A.empty B.vacant C.blank D.hollow 解析:考查形容词辨析。empty意为“空的”,指没有内容或实质的;vacant意为“空着的,未被占用的”,常用来指无人居住的房子或未有人占据的职位之类;blank意为“空白的”,指表面空白无字迹、图像或(头脑)处于空白状态;hollow意为“空心的”,指所描述之物的中心是空的。句意:面试的时候我很紧张以至于大脑一片空白,不知道怎么回答问题。 答案:C 4.Mr.Li,who is said to have moved to Beijing,    at No.4 Middle School in our city for thirty years. A.has taught B.is teaching C.has been teaching D.taught 解析:考查时态。根据句意,据说李老师已经搬到北京了,所以他在四中教了三十年应是过去的事,虽然有表示一段时间的状语for thirty years,仍然要用一般过去时。 答案:D 5.A great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the      of becoming white-collar workers. A.privilege B.favor C.profit D.preference 解析:考查名词辨析。句意:许多人常常情愿放弃较高的薪水以换取做白领的殊荣。privilege意为“特权,特殊待遇”,指一般人或物没有的有利条件;favor意为“利益,好处”,指在竞争中获得的优势;profit意为“利益”,强调经济上的好 处;preference意为“偏爱,爱好”,常与for连用。 答案:A 6.—What do you think is the best way to cure this kind of disease? —Wed better      traditional Chinese medicine with Western medicine. A.relate B.unite C.connect D.combine 解析:考查动词辨析。relate意为“把……联系起来”,常与to连用;unite意为“联合,团结”;connect意为“与……有联系或关联”,这是一种松散的联合,没有失去个体特征;combine意为“(使)联合,组合,混合”,指联合之后使得个体被忽略,强调整体性。根据句意“把中西药混合到一起”应该用combine。 答案:D 7.It is from my dear mother      has given my life and brought me up      I can still seek


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