重度拖延症患者(Severe procrastination patients).doc

重度拖延症患者(Severe procrastination patients).doc

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重度拖延症患者(Severe procrastination patients)

重度拖延症患者(Severe procrastination patients) After college, I began to procrastinate. Set goals are many, but often have power scarce, often in online browsing various novels and posts, or playing online games is retarded very boring, but do not want to touch the professional books or literature, even if the deadline after just a few days before the deadline, only a little bit of time due to a sense of urgency and start learning tasks. In this way, academically, on the whole, it is sloppy, but far from his ideal. In a word, we can not make progress completely, and we do not want to degenerate completely. The basis for procrastination is actually a high or even unrealistic expectation of oneself. If the task is to walk through a wide, ten meter thick plank, then when it is placed on the ground, almost everyone can easily walk. But the high expectation of the result is like the wooden frame to the two building ten storeys high, so we will be afraid of falling, the fear of failure or fear of success (such as I sometimes secretly hope the experiment do not succeed, so I can not face more intense after the subsequent experiment, actually is a variant of the fear of failure), so we cant even take a step forward. While the deadline is behind a fire, when it was close enough, afraid of burning fear over the fall of fear, so we rushed past, finish task in front of the deadline, although the quality is hard to say. Even more frightening is that many people delay (including myself) and even enjoy the deadline after the sudden feeling of relaxation, and delay the results sometimes good (such as undergraduate when I write the experiment report, if I wait till the last, I may often because it and other people to discuss and reference to other peoples views before I finish to write in a more comprehensive and better). At this time, I will praise myself for being efficient. At the same time, although I didnt want to admit it for a long time, I subconsciously felt that it would be a sha


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