中医虚劳症状及治疗(Symptoms and treatment of deficiency syndrome in Chinese Medicine).doc

中医虚劳症状及治疗(Symptoms and treatment of deficiency syndrome in Chinese Medicine).doc

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中医虚劳症状及治疗(Symptoms and treatment of deficiency syndrome in Chinese Medicine)

中医虚劳症状及治疗(Symptoms and treatment of deficiency syndrome in Chinese Medicine) Symptoms and treatment of deficiency syndrome in Chinese medicine.Txt Symptoms and treatment of deficiency syndrome in Chinese Medicine ------------------------------------------------------------- Asthenia (including autoimmune dysfunction or immune function disorders, stable endocrine gland dysfunction, hematopoietic dysfunction, metabolic disorders, lack of nutrition, nerve dysfunction or excessive inhibition (non protective) caused by disease, and other organ system function decline disease) Asthenia is defined by a variety of reasons, causing loss of yin and yang deficiency of Qi and blood, viscera Qi for a variety of chronic debilitating syndrome, the main pathological processes so that all chronic dysfunction or deficiency of sexual excitement as the main clinical manifestations of the disease, can be called Xulao, also known as the deficiency. Chinese medicine believes that five workers (long as the injured blood, long lay gas, sedentary injury of meat, long established bone injury, injury, long line) six pole (rib pole, pole, blood, meat bone pole pole, very fine, very satisfied), seven injuries (spleen injury, liver injury, weightlifting strong inverse anger sedentary, wetland renal injury, cold, cold drink lung injury, sad sad thoughts, wind and weather injuries, fear, dont hurt), where the festival of congenitally deficient, acquired dystrophy, Tixu disease, chronic disorders, resulting in loss of viscera, Qi and blood deficiency, gradually developed into energy depletion, weakness and long all kinds of deficiency syndromes, are asthenic disease category. In the treatment of treatment Asthenia Qi of lung, deficiency type, asthenia labor [] by excessive strain causes, disease frail, long cough due to lung failure in the long term by descending, leading to deficiency of lung qi, Wei due to solid. [in] symptoms of shortness of breath when sweating, cold and hot, easy to cold syndro



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