中医诊断部分习题(Diagnostic exercises in traditional Chinese Medicine).doc

中医诊断部分习题(Diagnostic exercises in traditional Chinese Medicine).doc

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中医诊断部分习题(Diagnostic exercises in traditional Chinese Medicine)

中医诊断部分习题(Diagnostic exercises in traditional Chinese Medicine) 28. patients with headache and pain, chest tightness, mouth thirst, body weight and pain, fever and fatigue, urine clear long, white fur, slippery, soft and moderate pulse. The syndrome is A. hurts summer heat B. takes damp C. Sangshi D. heat stroke More than E. are not Answer: B Outline: the clinical manifestations of ninth unit etiology breakdown of the 16 exopathogens, pestilence differentiation points excessive wind syndrome, excessive cold syndrome, heat syndrome, excessive wet syndrome, excessive dryness syndrome, excessive fire syndrome Observation point: the clinical manifestations of dampness The degree of difficulty:. 29. patients with dizziness, less gas burnout, abdominal bulge, prolapse of the anus, pale tongue with white fur, weak pulse. The syndrome is A. qi stagnation B. Qi deficiency C. air pockets D. Qi micro E. retrograde Qi Answer: C Outline: clinical manifestations and syndrome differentiation points of tenth unit of Qi and blood syndrome differentiation in TCM syndrome of qi stagnation syndrome of breakdown of the Study points: the clinical manifestations of qi stagnation The degree of difficulty:. 30. patients, male, 70 years old. Dementia, apathy, behavior disorders, or grayish complexion, chest tightness, nausea, greasy tongue coating, slippery pulse. The pathogenesis of this disease is that A. blinded judgment While the B. C. heart blood stasis D. kidney essence deficiency E. two empty Answer: A Syllabus: a comparison of eleventh unit viscera syndrome differentiation of small intestine diseases and heart breakdown points, phlegmsyndrome the blinded judgment Study points: the clinical manifestations of the blinded judgment The degree of difficulty:. 31. patients, female, 36. The yellow complexion, Shenpi fatigue, shortness of breath, eat less loose stools, menstrual dripping constantly, the color is light, pale tongue without fur, thready pulse weakness. The pathogenesis of this



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