中药2000(Traditional Chinese Medicine 2000).doc

中药2000(Traditional Chinese Medicine 2000).doc

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中药2000(Traditional Chinese Medicine 2000)

中药2000(Traditional Chinese Medicine 2000) 2000 traditional Chinese Medicine A1 43. the following drugs are longer than the benefit of the Qing Dynasty, for the purpose of: (D) A. Pueraria, B., bupleurum, C., cohosh, D., Vitex, E., fermented soybean 44. drugs that have the effect of cooling blood are: (E) A. B. C. D. gypsum Anemarrhenae Rhizoma Phragmitis E. Gardenia Trichosanthin Drug efficacy is 45. with dampness: (D) A. D. C. D. Kalmegh dandelion Houttuynia E. indigo violet 46., the following antipyretic drugs, both hemostatic effect is: (E); A. B. C. of cortex dictamni Andrographis D. xiongdan purslane E. 48., with cooling blood detoxification efficacy of drugs are: (A) A. B. C. D. rhubarb mirabilite aloe fructus cannabis E. peach 49., Li Rens effect is: (C) A. activating blood circulation, removing stasis, B., clearing liver and purging fire, C. diuresis, detumescence, O. soft strengthening, dispersing E., cooling blood and detoxifying 50., the effect of acanthopanax bark is: (B) A. B. C. D. diuretic laxative Liangxue E. and gastric tocolysis The effect of 51. Patchouli is: (A) A. stop vomiting, B. cough, C. stop bleeding, D. pain, E. antidiarrheal 52., the effect of talc is: (E) A. and B. C. Chubi Qinggan Mingmu Qingfei Huatan Qingre Liangxue D. E. removing summer heat 47., the treatment of dampness heat syndrome should be selected: (A) A. B. C. D. of Radix Isatidis Folium Pyrrosia E. indigo Shandougen 53. dosage should not be too large, commonly used amount of 3 ~ 6G drugs are: (D); A. B. C. D. Fuling talc Guanmutong E. Yinchenhao Fructus Kochiae 54. drugs that have the effect of supplementing fire and Promoting Yang are: (A) A. B. C. D. Asarum aconite ginger pepper E. galangal 55., both the soothing liver Qi breaking, and can dissipate stagnation and elimination of drugs are: (B) A. B. C. D. wood peel peel citrus E. Rhizoma Cyperi 56. not only can promote digestion, and drugs are: Huatan Jiangqi (C) A. B. C. D. radishseed divine Hawthorn malt E. germinatus 57



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