印花过程之网布张力控制面面观(Tension control surface view of web cloth in printing process).doc

印花过程之网布张力控制面面观(Tension control surface view of web cloth in printing process).doc

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印花过程之网布张力控制面面观(Tension control surface view of web cloth in printing process)

印花过程之网布张力控制面面观(Tension control surface view of web cloth in printing process) The process of printing fabric tension control aspects 10-12 The importance of high mesh tension Why high net cloth tension so important? In short, if your mesh tension high (35 n / m or more), the ink transfer will begin to show a very dynamic way: in the high net cloth under tension, the screen is more stable in size, which means that the multicolor live with greater accuracy. The force of the glue scraping scraping stroke imposed on the screen also has a slight effect on the screen. On the contrary, in low tension, because along the stroke direction to mesh on the squeegee drag and makes the image easily lead to elongate, registration is difficult to control. The image due to mesh tension on elongated rate. The image is longer, the problem will be more obvious. Many enterprises in the separation stage by increasing the trapping to prevent the happening of the above problem. But this is not only time consuming, but also bring other printing problems, such as blurred images, ink with (pick-up), not wet on wet printing. If the mesh tension is high, the ink will start injecting ink to the plate mesh, and not just at the top surface of the screen scraping a layer of uneven ink. This means that the squeegee can be used to force much smaller now, its main task is to cut off the ink plate just into the screen ink layer. On the contrary, the mesh tension lower, squeegee to complete the ink plate to screen ink into the task, and then scraping ink into clothing. This requires the use of high pressure, so that the ink push to the garment, the fiber stands in the ink layer, the result is printed feel rough, ink deposit, reduced transparency. This is the reason why people of each color to take double stroke and use lower screen mesh, its purpose is to in a low efficiency (i.e. low mesh tension) to obtain appropriate ink transfer system. High mesh tension benefits If the mesh tension, because the ink



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