Puss in Boots课文(配套Puss in Boots穿靴子的猫PPTamp; Puss in Boots剧本).doc

Puss in Boots课文(配套Puss in Boots穿靴子的猫PPTamp; Puss in Boots剧本).doc

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Puss in Boots There is an old miller. He has three sons. He is very sick. So he is going to die soon. The miller calls his three sons. I have a mill, a donkey and a cat, he says. I give the mill to you, he says to the oldest son. I give the donkey to you, he says to the second son. I give the cat to you, he says to the youngest son. Oh no, only a cat! sighs the youngest son. What can I do with it? I will die of hunger. Dont worry, Master, says the cat. Give me boots and a bag. Then I will work for you. Joy sharp There be 句型表存在 单三主语+has be going to +动词原形,将要做某事 give the mill to you =? do with 处理,对待 will:(用于表示一般将来时)将,要 die of:死于 The youngest son buys boots and a bag for his cat. The cat wears his boots and the bag. Call me Puss in Boots, says the cat. Puss in Boots puts some food into the bag. A rabbit sees the food. It jumps into the bag. Puss catches the rabbit. Puss goes to the King. Sire, this rabbit is a present from my master, says Puss. Who is your master? asks the King. He is the Marquis of Carabas, answers Puss. On the second day, Puss gives a skylark to the King. This skylark is a present from my master, he says. On the third day, he gives a parrot to the King. wear 穿,戴 wear a dress wear glasses wear a boots wear a cap wear a ring wear a bag put A into B:把A放到B里 jump into 跳进 from:来自 marquis 侯爵 On the second day:第二天 on表示在具体的某一天 third:第三(个)+Cn.单 three:三(个)+Cn.复 This parrot is a present from my master, he says. The King is very happy with the presents. Is your master young and handsome? asks the King. Oh yes! He is very rich, too, answers Puss. I will come to see your master, says the King. Great! My master will be happy to see you, says Puss. The King and the Princess are coming in a carriage. Puss sees the Kings carriage. He says to his master, Jump into the river now! But I cant swim, says Puss master. Trust me. Then you can marry the Princess, smiles Puss. Puss master jumps into the river. be happy with :对......感到很高兴 be


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