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一、机场或酒店接客人时可以用到的语句:Good morning!早上好! Good afternoon!下午好! Good evening!晚上好!2、Hello!Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。Hello!Nice to meet you too. 我也是。3、My name is Wang Ling.我的名字叫王玲。 Are you Mr. Black? 您是布莱克先生吗?4、Welcome to Beijing! 欢迎您来北京!5、Im glad to serve you.很高兴为您服务。6、I’ve come to pick you up./ Im here to meet you.我是来接您的。7、Your car is waiting at the gate. Follow me, please!您要的车已在门口等。请跟我来。 Your car is waiting outside. 接您的车正在外面等候。8、Let me help you with your luggage.我来帮您拿行李。 9、Can I put these bags in the trunk?我把这些包放到行李箱里行吗? 10、Please get in. /Please step in from this side.请上车。/请从这边上车。二、行车途中可以用到的语句:11、Hold the belt, please.=Please put on your seat belt.请系好安全带。12、Be careful. I’m making a turn now.请系好安全带,我要拐弯了。13、Do you want air-conditioning?您要开空调吗?A:Do you want air-conditioning?您要开空调吗?B:Ok. Thank you.好的非常感谢。A:Do you mind closing the air conditioning?您介意把空调关上吗?B:Of course not.当然不。14、May I open the window?我可以开窗户吗?15、I’m afraid we are in a traffic jam.恐怕我们堵车了。This road is jammed, let’s take that one.这条街拥挤,我们走那条街。16、We’ll be there in an hour.我们要花1小时到那。A: Is your company far from here? 你们公司离这儿远吗?B: We’ll be there in an hour. 我们要花1小时到那。17、I’m not sure. But I will try mybest.我没有把握,但我尽力而为。 A: Can you get there before 3 o’clock?你能在三点之前到那儿吗?B: I’m not sure. But I will try my best.我没有把握,但我尽力而为。三、到达目的地可以用到的语句:18、Here we are, Sir\Madam.到了,先生\太太。19、Please get out of the car from the right side.请从右边下车。20、Don’t forget to take your luggage, please!请别忘了拿您的行李!21、Good-Bye!/See you. 再见! Bye, see you tomorrow. 明见!22、Have a good day!祝你一切顺利。Good Luck!祝你好运!Enjoy yourself!玩的愉快!四、其他常用语句:23、Can I help you?/ Would you like any help?我能为您效劳吗?24、Thank you. 谢谢你。You’re welcome! /It’s ok. /That’s all right. /It’s my pleasure.不客气。25、Sorry. 对不起。Never mind. /Nothing. /It’s ok. /That’s all right.没关系的。26、Ok. / All right. 好的。 Of course. 当然可以。 A:Do you mind if I open the window? 你介意我把窗子打开吗?B:Of course not. 当然不。27、Sorry, please wait a moment.对不起,请稍候。28、Pardon?对不起,您能再说一遍吗? 29、Excuse me. 打扰一下。30、Sorry, I don’


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