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mjmmhmm(mjmmhmm) 2008-2009 academic year, the second semester, the first day of history, midterm papers First, choose a question (40 points and write the correct answer on the answer sheet) 1, 581 years, winning the Northern Zhou Dynasty regime, the establishment of the Sui Dynasty is: (a) A., Wang Mang, B., Yang Jian, C., Li Yuan, D., Li Shimin 2, the ancient imperial examination system in our country was formally formed in the following aspects: () When the emperor A. B. C. Suiti D. when the Sui Dynasty emperor when 3, the basic purpose of Suitis excavation of the Grande Canale is: () A. attack Chen Chao B. consolidate Sui Dynasty C. D. parade pleasure to attack Korea 4, the only female emperor in our history is: () The empress dowager empress Catherine II A. B. C. Wu Zetian D.. 5, which city of the Tang Dynasty was the center of all ethnic groups at that time, and also an international metropolis () A. B. Luoyang, Changan, C., Yangzhou, D., Chengdu Called 6, Tangdu Changan town bustling business district: (a) A. watts shop, B. square, C. City, D. line 7, dare to speak bluntly, Tang Taizong to voice more than 200 times: (secretary) A. B. C. D. fangxuanling Chong Yao Wei Zheng Du Ruhui 8, people basically affirm the rule of Wu Zetian, mainly because: () A. she is the history of our country the only female emperor B. for her ailing emperor to handle state affairs C. she was able to reuse talented people, D., who continued to develop her social economy during her reign 9, the Tang Dynasty created a new irrigation tool A. B. C. water D. cars overturned an animal drawn seed plough 10, held at the beginning of the Emperor (is) A. B. C. D. Emperor Sui Wendi Suiti Wu Zetian 11, Zhenguan years, the most important imperial examination in the subject is () A. B. C. D. imperial Arts Vuko medical 12, the most outstanding envoy in the history of cultural exchanges between China and India is () A. Cui Zhiyuan B. C. D. Xuan Zang Jianzhen Abe no nakamaro 13, the reason why people



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