pgsql备份pg_dump与还原手记pg_restore(pgsql备份pg _ dump与还原手记pg _ restore).doc

pgsql备份pg_dump与还原手记pg_restore(pgsql备份pg _ dump与还原手记pg _ restore).doc

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pgsql备份pg_dump与还原手记pg_restore(pgsql备份pg _ dump与还原手记pg _ restore)

pgsql备份pg_dump与还原手记pg_restore(pgsql备份pg _ dump与还原手记pg _ restore) PgSql pg_dump pg_restore backup and restore Notes (turn) I didnt expect to have been a PostgreSQL user, and suddenly the need for library porting was the first move! It turned out to be quite different from the MySQL command line operation. Do not be afraid, but must be careful, because database operations are the core of the site, once damaged or lost, the consequences will be very serious. I wrote the steps first and then followed the plan. Even though there was a mistake, it was safely transplanted. It is here on record for future use. Backup restore method: pg_dump and pg_restore, first carefully explain these two commands, and then record my operation method. Pg_dump -- extracts an PostgreSQL database into a script file or other archive file Pg_dump [option...] [dbname] Option option... The following command line parameters control the output content and format. Dbname Declare the name of the database to be dumped. If this parameter is not declared, then the environment variable PGDATABASE is used. If the environment variable is not declared, then use the user name that initiated the connection. -a --data-only Output data only, no output mode (data definition). This option is only meaningful for plain text formatting. For archiving formats, you can declare options when calling pg_restore. -b --blobs Contains large objects in the dump. You must select a non text output format. -c --clean Output commands to clear (delete) the database object before creating a database creation command. This option is only meaningful for plain text formatting. For archiving formats, you can declare options when calling pg_restore. -C --create Start with a command that creates the database itself and connects with the database. (if this is a script of this type, then it doesnt matter which database you connect to before running the script.) This option is only meaningful for plain text formats. For archiving formats,


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