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浅谈公交枢纽站智能化信息系统需求与设计 Introduction to intelligent public transport hub station information system requirements and design 跟着广州市城市社会经济的高速开展,作为经济开展先行官的广州市公共交通运输能力同步敏捷进步,线路网覆盖面增大,大大便利了乘客出行。可是如何将公共交通运用更有功率,用以晋升整个交通体系,甚至城市的运转功率仍是一个急需解决的课题。 Follow social economy high speed development of guangzhou city, as the economy pioneers of the guangzhou public transport capacity synchronous progress of agile, and line network coverage increase, greatly facilitate passenger travel. But how to use public transport more power, to promote the whole traffic system, and even cities running power is still a problem needed to resolve. 一个高效、便利、简捷的换乘体系是公共交通体系现代化的重要象征之一,而方案合理的枢纽站是换乘体系重要组成部分,也是完结公交线网优化调整的重要结点。以往,由于科学技能的平常运用疑问,公交场站或枢纽站选用的是涣散调度形式,场站运用情况首要经过人工现场观测评价。近几年,广州市交通委员会加强了以信息化手法改造传统交通作业。如在南洲路归纳交通枢纽站,就选用了统一办理、会集调度的新式运营调度办理形式。 An efficient, convenient and simple way of transfer system is one of the important symbol of modern public transport system, and the reasonable scheme of hub station is an important part of the change to the system, is also an important node theory-oriented end optimization adjustment. In the past, because the normal use of scientific doubt, bus terminal or terminal chooses scheduling form is dysfunctional, terminal first after artificial field observation assessment application situation. In recent years, guangzhous transportation committee strengthens the information technique to improve traditional traffic assignment. As in the south state road transport hub station, just choose a unified scheduling, meet new operation scheduling for form. 南洲路归纳交通枢纽站智能体系选用领先的计算机网络、数据库、车辆主动识别、通讯、数字图像监控等技能,联系办理体制改革,完结枢纽站及进出站的公交车进行会集调度、统一指挥,使枢纽站的吞吐率最大化;枢纽站还选用电子显现和主动播送技能向乘客供给发车、换乘及其它归纳信息效劳,极大的便利了乘客。   South state road inductive chooses the leading transportation hub station intelligent system of computer network, database, active identification, communication, digital image monitoring vehicles such as skills, contact conduction system reform, the hub end and in and out of the station


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