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本 科 毕 业 论 文
ynthesis and biological evaluation of novel isoindigo derivatives
专 业 药学(药物化学方向)
院 部 药学院
学 号
姓 名
课 题
完成场所 中国药科大学玄武门校区药化实验室
论文工作时间:2012年 2 月 至 2012年 5月
异靛蓝的发现及其抗肿瘤活性2 异靛蓝类CDKs抑制剂的抗肿瘤机理
第二章 目标化合物的设计合成
2.1 设计思想2 合成的化合物
2.3 合成路线
2.4. 合成讨论………………………………………………… 18
第三章 合成实验部分
3.1 仪器与试剂
3.2 合成方法
第四章 总结 ……………………………………………………23
附录(图谱)…………………………………………………… 27
[摘要]细胞周期是细胞生命活动的特征。一个细多种蛋白酶的调控,调控失调会导致细胞过度增殖,从而引发肿瘤。以细胞周期蛋白依赖性激酶为靶点的药物可以阻断细胞周期,控制细胞增殖,从而达到抗肿瘤的目的。传统中药“当归芦荟丸”青黛具有治疗慢性粒细胞白血病(chromic myelocytic leukemia,CML)的临床疗效,所含的三种双吲哚化合物中及其衍生物的作用机理是:通过抑制细胞周期蛋白依赖激酶(cyclin-dependent kinases,CDKs)的作用抑制肿瘤增殖。改善靛玉红的水溶性及脂溶性提高抗肿瘤,2-亚胺-4-噻唑酮’-双键的平面多环缩合产物,并对其进行修饰,得到符合CDKs小分子抑制剂特点的化合物;
[关键词] ;抗肿瘤;细胞周期蛋白依赖激酶抑制剂Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel isoindigo derivatives
[Abstract] Cell cycle is one of the basic requirements for multicellular organisms. A whole cell cycle is regulated by a series of enzymes. Faulty regulation of the control mechanism in the cell cycle leads to an excessive cell proliferation and is the cause of cancer. The drug whose target is cyclin-dependent kinases could interrupt the cell cycle, inhibit the cell proliferation and then achieve in battling cancer. “Danggui Luhui Wan”,the Tranditional Chineses Medicine recipe was used to aganist chromic myelocytic leukemia in clinic, whose only active ingredient is Indigoids containing three dis-indole compounds. Isoindigo is one of them. The mechanism of isoindigo and its analogues is to inhibit the cyclin dependent kinases potently and selectively so as to inhibit the growth of the tumor cells.
Aiming at improving solubility, selectivity and affinity of isoindigo, we intend to synthesize four series of new compounds. In the first thr