
撒尼尔 霍桑 PPT.ppt

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撒尼尔 霍桑 PPT

纳撒尼尔·霍桑 Nathaniel Hawthorne Group Members 赵亚南 周静 朱秋芬 沈嘉 Family Backgrounds Ancestors: A judge relate to the Salem Witchcraft Trials of 1692 (塞勒姆驱巫案件) Father: Died when he was only four Mother: Relied on relatives in rearing the children A family with a long Puritan (清教徒)tradition The Salem Witchcraft Trials of 1692 塞勒姆驱巫案 1692年,塞勒姆镇一个牧师的女儿突然得了一种类似癫痫的传染病,随后另外七个女孩相继出现了同样的症状。当时人们普遍认为,让孩子们得了怪病是因为村里的黑人女奴和一个女乞丐,还有一个孤僻的从来不去教堂的老妇人。 当局者对这3名女人严刑逼供,“女巫”和“巫师”的数量也一步步增加,先后有20多人死于这起冤案中,另有200多人被逮捕或监禁。 1992年,马萨诸塞州议会通过决议,宣布为所有受害者恢复名誉。 Puritanism 清教主义 Puritans came from the Established Church(英国国教) of England in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. They were so called because they wished to “purify” the forms and rituals(典礼、宗教仪式) of the Church. The Puritans held that man lived to suffer and he must toil mightily for the glory of God. Puritanism stressed predestination(宿命)、original sin(原罪)、total depravity(性恶说)and atonement(赎罪)from God’s grace. Main Works The Scarlet Letter 《红字》 Mosses from an Old Manse《古屋青苔》 The Minister’s Black Veil《教长的黑面纱》 The Custom House 《海关》 Wonderful Book for Girls and Boys《奇异的书》 Famous Remarks A man already in decay, having given my best years to feed the hungry dream of knowledge. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? --- Nathaniel Hawthorne 即使尸骨已经腐烂,但我已经将自己最好的年华奉献给追求知识的梦想中。 Words—so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become, in the hands of one who knows how to combine them. --- Nathaniel Hawthorne 文字 —— 在字典里的时候如此无辜且无力,一旦到了知道如何使用他的人手中就变得多么有力,无论行善还是作恶。 All sorts of persons, and every individual, has a place to fill in the world, and is important in some respects, whether he chooses to be so or not. --- Nathaniel Hawthorne 各色人等,每一个人,不管选择与否,在世上都有自己的位置,都有自己的价值所在。 Thank you. * *


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