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家用轿车经济型保险方案的设计 摘要 汽车已成为现在社会不可缺少的交通工具,而汽车保险也应运而生,随着19世纪第一份汽车保险在苏格兰的诞生,汽车保险的发展一发而不可收拾。成为汽车行业不可缺少的增值业务。而汽车保险的发展也对汽车行业的发展产生了不可估量的作用。 首先汽车保险的发展,加大了人们对汽车的需求。实际上汽车保险的出现解除了人们对汽车出现危险情况的担心,增强的人们购买汽车的自信心,增加了消费者的购买需求。 其次,可以很好的维持社会秩序,现代社会生活节奏加快,汽车成了不可替代的交通工具,但是,随之而来的交通事故也惊醒了所有的汽车所有者,所以,这些汽车所有者愿意花费一小部分资金去给自己的汽车以及自己的安全做一份保障,这也增强了自己的信心,所以极大的稳定了社会秩序。 另外,客观上提升了汽车的安全性能,汽车保险的经营成本中维修费用占了很大的一部分,所以,保险商为了降低经营成本的风险,肯定会加大维修管理的监管,从客观上提高了车辆维修管理的水平,同时也会联合汽车厂家,积极研究新技术,提高汽车安全性能。 最后,汽车保险在整个保险险种收入当中占有重要地位。我国的汽车保险在在整个财产保险中占有40%,汽车保险成了财产保险里面的重要支柱,甚至有的保险公司光靠汽车保险就能养活一个公司。 关键词: Abstract The Now cars has become a social indispensable traffic tools, and car insurance also arises at the historic moment, with 19 century first auto insurance in the birth of Scotland, car insurance development turn into a rout. The car industry become the indispensable value-added service. And car insurance, the development of the auto industry to developed the inestimable role. The development of the first car insurance, increase the people to the car needs. In fact the emergence of auto insurance from people to the dangers of car worry, strengthen the confidence of the people to buy cars, increased consumer buying demand. Second, can be very good to maintain social order, and the modern society of the quickening pace of life, the car became an irreplaceable traffic tools, but, with the traffic accident also awakened all the car owners, so, these car owners willing to spend a small part of the money to give his own car and their security do a security, it also increased his faith, so great stable social order. In addition, objectively improved the safety performance of the car, car insurance business cost of maintenance costs accounted for a large part of, so, insurers to reduce the risk of operating costs, will certainly increase supervision of maintenance management, objectively improved vehicle maintenance management level, also the united auto manufacturers, positive study the new technology, improve the


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