冻疮的病因 症状 症状 病理 注意事项 治疗(The pathogeny, symptom, symptom, pathology, attention, treatment of chilblain).doc

冻疮的病因 症状 症状 病理 注意事项 治疗(The pathogeny, symptom, symptom, pathology, attention, treatment of chilblain).doc

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冻疮的病因 症状 症状 病理 注意事项 治疗(The pathogeny, symptom, symptom, pathology, attention, treatment of chilblain)

冻疮的病因 症状 症状 病理 注意事项 治疗(The pathogeny, symptom, symptom, pathology, attention, treatment of chilblain) The pathogeny, symptom, symptom, pathology, attention, treatment of chilblain How can I do it when I have chilblain? Frostbite is a localized inflammatory lesion caused by cold. Frostbite is a common disease in winter. According to the statistics, two hundred million people suffer from chilblain every year, mainly children, women and the elderly. Frostbite occurs, in the cold season is often more difficult to cure, to wait for warmer weather will gradually heal, to reduce the occurrence of frostbite, the key lies in the winter before the beginning of prevention. Pathogeny An abnormal response to cold. Frostbite is a localized inflammation of the skin caused by cold during winter or early spring. It occurs at the ends and exposed areas of the limbs, such as the hands, feet, nose, ears, lobes and cheeks. Modern medicine because of frostbite the skin of patients with poor cold tolerance, and cold, the skin of peripheral vasoconstriction or spasm, leading to local blood circulation, the tissue damage and the occurrence of lack of oxygen and nutrients. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the occurrence of this disease is due to lack of patient Yang, exogenous cold dampness of the evil, so that blood running sluggish, while the incidence of blood stasis. Chilblains As is known to all, hands and ears are the ends of the human blood circulation, and also the site of frostbite. After late autumn, the temperature dropped suddenly, and the blood flow in the peripheral vessels became slow. When the temperature is below 10 degrees, the subcutaneous arteriole of the above site contracts cold, and the venous return is impeded, resulting in chilblain. Some patients also suffer from congenital changes of the blood vessels and stenosis of the blood vessels which lead to frostbite. Therefore, prevention of frostbite should be aimed at its pathogenesis, take measures in advance,


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