大气污染控制工程综述(Review of air pollution control engineering).doc

大气污染控制工程综述(Review of air pollution control engineering).doc

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大气污染控制工程综述(Review of air pollution control engineering)

大气污染控制工程综述(Review of air pollution control engineering) Review of air pollution control engineering Abstract: China is a developing country, urbanization is accelerating the development of the economy. Because of the fact that in the past only the economic development and neglect of the environmental problems, air pollution has become increasingly serious, and the human living environment has deteriorated day by day. This paper expounds the causes of the air pollution in China, the harm to the human body and the monitoring and prevention measures Key words: air pollution; cause of formation; harm; monitoring; prevention and control In recent years, with the increasing population of the world and the rapid development of industry and agriculture, human activities have more and more impact on the atmospheric environment. At present, due to the irrational production activities of our human beings, a series of serious atmospheric environmental problems have been created - the concept of air pollution According to the international standards organization (ISO) definition to air pollution: air pollution is usually due to human activities and natural processes caused by some substances into the atmosphere, showing enough concentration reached enough time and thus endanger human comfort, health and welfare or harm the environment. According to this definition, air pollution is caused by human activities and natural processes for two reasons. This paper mainly introduces the air pollution caused by human activities. It has such characteristics as high speed of diffusion, wide range of propagation, long duration and great loss. Two. Reasons for the formation of air pollution sources China is a developing country, and urbanization is accelerating. Because of the fact that in the past, economic development was neglected and environmental problems were neglected, the air pollution became more and more serious, and the living environment of human being deteriorated day by day. Th


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