大气污染物综合排放标准(Comprehensive emission standard for air pollutants).doc

大气污染物综合排放标准(Comprehensive emission standard for air pollutants).doc

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大气污染物综合排放标准(Comprehensive emission standard for air pollutants)

大气污染物综合排放标准(Comprehensive emission standard for air pollutants) Peoples Republic of China national standard Comprehensive emission standard for air pollutants Integrated, emission, standard, of, air, pollutants GB16297-1996 Instead of GB3548-83, GB4276-84, GB4277-84, GB4282-84, GB4286-84, GB4911-85, GB4912-85, GB4913-85, GB4916-85, GB4917-85, GBJ4-73 exhaust components in each standard State Bureau of environmental protectionapproved the implementation ofPreface This standard is formulated in accordance with the provisions of the seventh provisions of the law of the Peoples Republic of China on the prevention and control of air pollution. The emission standard standard in the original industrial three wastes (GBJ473) making the basic standards for the discharge of atmospheric pollutants emissions and other industries related part of the country. This standard in the technical content and the original standards have a certain relationship of inheritance, but also considerable changes and changes. This standard specifies the emission limits for 33 types of atmospheric pollutants. The target system is the maximum allowable emission concentration, the maximum allowable emission rate and the monitored concentration limit of unorganized emissions. The state in the control of emissions of air pollutants, in addition to the standard for comprehensive emission standards, and some industry emission standards exist together, which in addition to the implementation of emission standard of air pollutants for their respective industries of some countries outside the industry, the implementation of this standard. This standard comes into effect on January 1, 1997. The exhaust gases of the following standards shall be replaced by this standard. The exhaust gases under the following standards shall be abolished as of the date of implementation of this standard. GBJ4-73 industry three wastes emission pilot standard Emission standard of pollutants for GB3548-83 syn


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