感冒后注意些什么(What do you notice after the cold).doc

感冒后注意些什么(What do you notice after the cold).doc

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感冒后注意些什么(What do you notice after the cold)

感冒后注意些什么(What do you notice after the cold) 1, cold should pay attention to what, some things can not do Most people think, for a cold is not effortless. As everyone knows, many people treat colds have misconceptions. Bad treatment not only delays illness, but can even become a source of infection. What a loss. Recently, Professor Chris Brill, Professor of Virology at Adelaide University, Australia, pointed out in the Journal of family medicine that when you begin to have a sore throat and runny nose, be careful to stay away from the following five taboos: Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Professor Brill pointed out that when people cough or sneeze, although most of the droplets soon fall off the ground, they do. Its more polite to conceal your hands, but leave the virus on your hands and reach all the touches. And theyll get the virus, and the virus will last longer. The correct way is to use a facial tissue to cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing, and then throw the tissue away. Wash your hands immediately if your hands are covering your mouth. To rub his eyes with his knuckles, not so easy to touch the finger knuckles their germs. Always stay indoors because of the cold. Winter free too cold or flu, the reason is not a cold. Inhalation of viruses in poorly ventilated rooms may worsen respiratory problems, research has shown. On the other hand, children who run around in the sun wont catch the virus. The correct way: open the window, fresh air will naturally drive away the virus. In addition, the heating is not too strong, so as not to become dry mucous membranes, and weaken the eye, nose and mouth mucosa, the first line of defense against the virus. I need a doctor to prescribe antibiotics. Overuse of antibiotics can make bacteria resistant to antibiotics. Whats more, even if antibiotics can relieve the symptoms of colds, they can kill good bacteria and affect the normal functioning of the immune system. Cold and yellow Chouzhuang nose af


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