妇产科9(Obstetrics and Gynecology 9).doc

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妇产科9(Obstetrics and Gynecology 9)

妇产科9(Obstetrics and Gynecology 9) Nursing care of complications during delivery I. premature rupture of membranes 1, Ms Wu, 35 weeks pregnant, premature rupture of membranes, admitted to the hospital before examination, not exposed to the pot. What is wrong with nursing measures is that A. be sure to stay in bed absolutely B. type low head C. observation of vaginal fluid flow D. self testing fetal pregnant women E. no enema 2, rupture of membranes over 12 h has not yet been required for labor A. listen to the fetal heart B. recorded breaking time C. prescribed antibiotics D. lie in bed and raise your hips E. pay attention to the nature and color of the amniotic fluid 3. When the membranes were broken early, the result of examination of the pH of the vaginal fluid was (D) A.pH =3.5 B.pH=4.5 C.pH=5.5 D.pH=6.5 E.pH=7.5 4, when the membrane rupture, vaginal liquid smears can be seen (A) A. sheep dentatecrystallization B. point crystallization C. block crystallization D. square crystal E. round crystals 5. If the pregnant women with premature rupture of membranes are exposed to umbilical cord prolapse or umbilical cord prolapse, the nursing measure is (A) A. end delivery within a few minutes B. go with the flow C. keep the vulva clean D timed observation of amniotic fluid properties E. timing hearing fetal heart sounds 6, a pregnant woman, 29 years old, 24 weeks pregnant, found premature rupture of membranes, the correct treatment measures are (D) A. administered penicillin to prevent infection B. administered Magnesium Sulfate to suppress contractions C. promotes fetal lung maturation D. decides whether termination of pregnancy depends on circumstances E. left lateral decubitus and oxygen inhalation 7-8 question sharing exercises A primipara, 36 weeks pregnant, 2 days to continue to flow out of the vagina, vaginal examination can not get out of the amniotic fluid sac, the fluid constantly flowing out of the mouth, clinical diagnosis of premature rupture of membranes. 7,


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