好妈妈俱乐部孕晚期听课笔记(Good mom Club notes in late pregnancy).doc

好妈妈俱乐部孕晚期听课笔记(Good mom Club notes in late pregnancy).doc

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好妈妈俱乐部孕晚期听课笔记(Good mom Club notes in late pregnancy)

好妈妈俱乐部孕晚期听课笔记(Good mom Club notes in late pregnancy) First, science confinement Delivery 3~4 days after suture removal of stitches, uncomfortable available Potassium Permanganate bath Half a meter in size, color Danmei red, more than 20 minutes each time When cleaning the mattress, you should use a dry towel and brush your teeth with warm water Vaginal delivery need to get out of bed, urinate, if there is no urine meaning, immediately drink water Rinse the urethra with warm water and turn on the tap Take a bath after 3 days, Room temperature 24~28 degrees C, water temperature 38~40 degrees C After caesarean catheter, unplug after 2~3 hours micturition 6 hours after the turn, can eat rice, radish soup ventilation 2~3 hours, once, the husbands right hand in the abdomen, left hand to hold the neck, put a cushion between the legs 10 days after cesarean section, you can take a bath After drying, use a dry swab to blot the moisture away from the wound, The hair is wiped with a dry towel and dried by a hair dryer LT, need to cover the wound (along over wound) Postpartum diet section High protein, low fat, carbohydrate based (staple food 8, two, ~1 Jin), vegetables (less oil) 2 hours after delivery can not eat brown sugar, longan and other hot food Postpartum first day Glutinous rice porridge, clear soup noodles (clear water) Fish soup (add black fungus) Second days postpartum Rotten noodles, glutinous rice porridge Seasonal vegetables (small bowl) Wonton and red bean soup Postpartum week 1 The main light food, animal protein can choose fish, shrimp Can eat two eggs, 250g milk every day Second weeks postpartum Chicken Soup (butter), spareribs soup To select warm animals, cold animals (such as dove, turtle, duck, etc.) are not edible Postpartum a week to eat brown sugar (such as eggs, brown sugar + water) longan, until lochia Pink Water bamboo, bamboo shoots, spinach, amaranth, spinach, leeks and other vegetables containing oxalic acid, affect the absorption of calcium Spina


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