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* 混沌之簡介 A Brief Introduction of Chaos 交大應數96級 張永潔 土星的大紅斑即是混沌現象的例子   .差之毫厘,失之千里   ?對初始條件的敏感性      - 古典西方科學:小誤差不會影響事物進行的方向      - 混沌:初始條件的小差異,會造成往後行為的大大不同。 什麼是混沌?   .蝴蝶效應(Butterfly Effect)      - 一隻在巴西的蝴蝶鼓翅飛翔,會在台灣誘發一場颱風嗎?      - 勞倫茲(Edward N. Lorenz )的氣象小玩具 什麼是混沌?   .不規則之中仍存在秩序      - 天氣看似無法準確預報,但又呈現年復一年相當程度的規律性。      -可以對短期的行為做出有效的預測 什麼是混沌?   .混沌理論      - 無週期、不可預測    .混沌理論的重要性      - 應用:氣象、股票、生物數量… 什麼是混沌? (Devaney’s Definition of Chaos) f:X→X   i) f is topologically transitive. transitive : for all non-empty open subsets U and V of X, there exists a natural number k such that fk(U)∩V is nonempty. ii) The periodic points of f are dense in X. The point x in X is a periodic point of period n if fn(x)=x, n: positive integer. iii) f has sensitive dependence on initial conditions. if there is a positive real number δ (a sensitivity constant) such that for every point x in X and every neighborhood N of x there exists a point y in N and a nonnegative integer n such that the nth iterates fn(x) and fn(y) of x and y respectively, are more than distanceδ apart. 混沌在數學上的定義   i) f is topologically transitive. transitive : for all non-empty open subsets U and V of X, there exists a natural number k such that fk(U)∩V is nonempty. Devaney’s Definition of Chaos   ii) The periodic points of f are dense in X. The point x in X is a periodic point of period n if fn(x)=x. the least positive n for which fn(x)=x is called the prime period of x. If for any two point a and b in X, a≠b, ab, and there exists a periodic point p that apb, then we called the periodic points of f are dense in X. (For example, Q dense in R where Q is the set of rational number and R is the set of real number.) Devaney’s Definition of Chaos   iii) f has sensitive dependence on initial conditions. if there is a positive real number δ (a sensitivity constant) such that for every point x in X and every neighborhood N of x there exists a point


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