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UNIT 7reactor??? n.[C] 核反应堆?Some would argue that while nuclear power reactors exist, then the hazard of radiation is inevitable.有些人争论说只要原子反应堆存在,辐射的危险就不可避免。?The plants two reactors were shut down in February 2001 out of safety fears.出于对安全的考虑,工厂的两个核反应堆于2001年2月关闭。cholesterol??? n.[U] 胆固醇?The doctor told her that her cholesterol level was much too high.医生告诉她,她的胆固醇太高了。?This cooking oil is low in cholesterol.这种烹调油胆固醇含量低。attribute??? vt.(~ to) regard sth. as caused by sb. or sth. 把...归因于;把...归咎于?She attributes her success to hard work and a bit of luck.她把她的成功归于努力和一点点运气。?We attribute our success to being in the right place at the right time.我们把成功归因于天时地利。?stimulate??? vt.make sb. or sth. more active 刺激;激励;激发?Praise can stimulate students to further efforts.表扬能激励学生进一步努力。?The book was trying to stimulate discussion of the problem of global warming.这书试图激起人们对全球变暖问题的讨论。priority??? n.1. [C] sth. important that must be done first 优先处理的事?You must decide what your priorities are.你必须确定先做什么。?The management did not seem to consider office safety to be a priority.管理部门似乎并不认为办公室安全是需要优先考虑的问题。2. [U] the right to be given attention first?优先权;重要性?Official business takes priority over personal requests.公事应放在私事之上。?Priority will be given to those who are fluent in spoken English.口语流利者将优先考虑。blow ones top ??? become very angry suddenly 勃然大怒;大发雷霆My father will blow his top when he sees what happened to the car. 我父亲看到车子这个样子肯定会大发雷霆。When he told her how much it cost, she blew her top. 当他告诉她那花了多少钱时,她勃然大怒。sanction??? vt.officially accept or allow sth. 批准;认可?I cant sanction your methods.我不能同意你的办法。?He tried to get the government to sanction his plan.他设法让政府批准他的计划。hazard??? vt.risk sth. 冒...的危险?Rock-climbers are hazarding their lives.攀岩的人用生命去冒险。?The policy hazarded the islands and put the lives of the inhabitants at risk.这项政策使小岛面临危险,把岛上居民的生命推向危险的境地。n.[C] a danger?危险;风险?Smoking is a serious health hazard.吸烟对健康危害严重。?Drivers faced the hazards of the ice and snow.司机面临着冰雪的危险。?trap??? vt.keep sb. in a place from


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