
书谱书论 翻译.ppt

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书谱书论 翻译

《书谱》,墨迹本,孙过庭撰并书。书于垂拱三年(687),草书,纸本。纵27.2厘米,横898.24厘米。每纸16至18行不等,每行8至12字,共351行,3500余字。衍文70余字,“汉末伯英”下阙30字,“心不厌精”下阙30字。《书谱》在宋内府时尚有上、下二卷,下卷散失后,现传世只上卷。 《书谱》On the Fine Art of Chinese Calligraphy 孙过庭(646~691)。中国唐代书法家,书法理论家。名虔礼,以字行。吴郡富阳(今浙江富阳)人,一作陈留(今河南开封)人。曾任右卫胄参军、率府录事参军。胸怀大志,博雅好古。擅楷书、行书,尤长于草书,师承王羲之、王献之,笔势坚劲,直逼二王。著《书谱》2卷,已佚。今存《书谱序》,分溯源流、辨书体、评名迹、述笔法、诫学者、伤知音6部分,文思缜密,言简意深,在古代书法理论史上占有重要地位。其中许多论点,如学书三阶段、创作中的五乖五合等,至今仍有意义。有墨迹《书谱》传世。 孙过庭: 著名书法家如东晋王羲之创妍美流便新体,又备精诸体,为历代书学者所崇尚;唐代有欧(阳询)、褚(遂良)、颜(真卿)、柳(公权)四大家,而怀素、张旭之狂草亦别具艺术魅力;宋代有苏轼、黄庭坚、米芾、蔡襄(一说蔡京)四大家;清代分为碑派(崇尚碑刻)与帖派(崇尚字帖);“扬州八怪”之一郑板桥,融合真、草、隶、篆,创有“板桥体”;现代有于右任、沈尹默等。 Seal Characters 篆书 (zhuan shu) Dragon (龙) as a Seal Character It can be divided into Big Seal Characters and Small Seal Characters. The former appeared in the Zhou Dynasty (1046 BC-256 BC) and evolved from oracle bone inscriptions. The neat structure of oracle bone inscriptions laid the foundation for the form of modern Chinese characters. The latter is more simple in form and more standardized in structure than the former. Small Seal Characters, known as Qin Seal Characters(秦篆), were collected, compiled and prescribed by Li Si after the unification of China by the Qin Empire. Seal Characters are very elegant in style and are widely favored by people today in the creation of calligraphy works. 篆(尙婉而通) Official Script 隶书 (li shu) Dragon (龙) in Official Script It originated from the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220). The rise of official script is another reform in Chinese characters, ushering in a new stage of the development of Chinese calligraphy. In fact, it is a transition period in the history of Chinese character development, laying a solid foundation for formal script. Official script features a flat, neat and refined structure. When the Eastern Han Dynasty began, the left-falling stroke and the right-falling stroke bent upwards(左掠右挑的八分笔法). Other strokes were characterized by variations considered beautiful in calligraphy. The style of official script features divers


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