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四年级英语上册Unit8教案(新广州版) Unit8教学设计 教学目标Teahing ais 让学生掌握Unit8单词、短语及的正确发音;学会询问及回答“hats ur favurite subet?” Ⅱ 教学重点e pints: 掌握本模块的学习科目单词、短语各个及怎样表达最喜欢的科目是什么。 教学难点Diffiult pints 问最喜欢的科目与回答句型的运用。 教学内容Teahing ntent (1)内知识: 词汇: ath t use nuber art t dra pitures usi t sing sngs PE t pla sprts siene t understand the rld hinese t rite stries English t read English bs 详解: 1 I lie t rite stries\ I lie t read English bs\ I lve t learn lie + t + 动词原形 lie + 名词 如:I lie t si 我喜欢游泳。 I lie rabbits 2 H an subets d u have? H an + 复数名词 + d u have? 问你有多少… 如: H an pens d u have? 3 e have seven subets I \e \u\The have… She\ He\ It\ ther\ Ben has… 4 favurite subet is hinese\ I lie English best favurite… is … 或 … is favurite … 如: favurite fruit is apple \ Apple is favurite fruit I lie … best 如:I lie rabbit best I lie father best (2)基础训练: 一、把下列短语翻译成英语 1一本数学书___________ 2 一本英语书__________________ 3二十本语书________________ 4 三十本美术书________________ 八十个故事__________________ 6 九十门学科___________________ 二、用线把下面的学科和相应的功能连接起。 aths t sing sngs art t use nubers usi dra pitures PE t learn English siene t pla sprts English t understand the rld 三、选择填空 ( )1L ____ the t ld ladies An B at in ( ) 2 H an bs _____eah b have? Ad Bis des ( ) 3Grup 1 ____ eight ts Ahas B is have ( ) 4 Let ____ see AI B e ( ) e have ____ t ars in the r Athirt -eight B thirteen-eight thirt eight ( ) 6 These girls have eight ______ n Asubet B the subet subets ( ) 7 I lie hinese hat ____ u? Aabut B is are ( ) 8 favurite fruit is the apple I lie apple ____ Agd B fine best ( )9 There are ten ____ in that bedr Ababies B babs bab ( )10 favurite subet is ____ A ath B sienes siene 四、判断下列句子与图片是否相符,相符的打“T”,不相符的打“F”。 ( ) 1 I lie t ath TV ( ) 2 The dg is under the hair ( ) 3 I have eals in the ithen ( ) 4 There is a bed in the bedr ( ) I read bs in the stud 五、按实际情况回答问题 1 D u lie English? ________________________________ 2 D u read English stries in the rning? _________________________________ 3 H an subets d u have


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