(新标准)小学英语一年级起始第6册Module 6 Unit 1 He works hard教案.doc

(新标准)小学英语一年级起始第6册Module 6 Unit 1 He works hard教案.doc

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(新标准)小学英语一年级起始第6册Module 6 Unit 1 He works hard教案

(新标准)小学英语一年级起始第6册Module 6 Unit 1 He works hard教案 (新标准)小学英语一年级起始第6册dule 6 Unit 1 He rs hard教案 一、教学目标与要求 1、知识与能力目标 The students an desribe a persn’s persnalit and tal abut ne’s perfrane at shl ⑵ 认读单词:r, hard, spea 初步认读句子:Is Daing naught in lass? N, he isnt His r is gd I’ happ ith that Than u 2、情感态度目标 通过学生的自我评价,以及互相评价,给每一位学生找到自己的优点,树立其自信心,提高学习热情和主动性。 二、教学重点及难点 重点:掌握新单词,了解新句型,在此基础上理解内容。并能简单的利用句型和学过的形容词描述他人在学校的表现。 难点:be动词及其否定形式的灵活运用;第三人称单数主语后的动词形式。 三、前准备 dule1的有关形容词的单词卡片,本单词卡片,VD。 四、教学过程 Step 1 ar up 1.Have the students sa a pe n page 2.TPR: The teaher d se atins, and then the students sa the rds (nie, lever, sh, quiet, lud, naught, gd, bad, helpful, happ, sad) 3.Free tal: T: hats …lie? S1: He’s ver… Step 2 Presentatin and pratie 1T: All f u have ur advantages, hever, sene is a bit naught H abut Daing? Is Daing naught in lass? Let’s ath the vide 2Pla the vd And then have the students anser the questin 板书问题: Is Daing naugt in lass? 根据学生回答板书答案: N, he isnt Pratise the e sentenes in different as 3The teaher plas the VD again And have the students anser anther questin: Is Daing laz in lass? 板书新单词:laz The students guess the eaning f “laz” 4T: Is Daing laz in lass? Ss: N, he isnt 引导学生说:He rs hard 强调第三人称单数主语后的动词形式。 .T:Daing isnt naught in lass And he isn’t laz in lass H abut his r? (Sh the students a paper 出示一张Daing 100分的试卷) 板书: His r is gd (强调r是名词,表示功) 6.Have the students tal abut Daings perfrane in lass T: Is Daing naught in lass? Ss: N, he isn’t He isn’t naught in lass T: Is Daing laz in lass? Ss: N, he isn’t He isn’t laz in lass Ss: His r is gd T: His parents are happ ith that 7Have the students listen t the dialgue and find “a, is, are” ne students sa the sentenes, the ther students repeat 8Have the students repeat and iitate the dialgue Then read it in different rles 9. D the exerises in Ativit b Step 3 nslidatin and extensin 1Revie the adetive rds ith the ards The students an d se atins abut the rds Then ae a dialgue in grups 先集体复习学过的形容词,然后根据老师给


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