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摘要 随着时代的发展以及人民生活水平的提高,人们对冷藏、冷冻食品质 的要求也在不断提高,不仅要求食品经冷藏、冷冻后尽量减少营养成分的损失,而且还希望能保持原有的色泽。食品外观及营养成分的变化与冷藏、冷冻温度密切相关,并且不同种类的食品,其相应的最佳冷藏或冷冻温度也不同。根据市场、用户等方面的实际需要,对冷藏、冷冻食品的实际储存时间往往有不同的要求,而不同的保存时间则要求库房设置不同的保存温度。在允许的冷藏或冷冻温度范围内,以较高温度储存食品,对于节省电能、延长制冷设备的使用寿命均十分有利。在大型冷库系统中,往往库房个数多,保存的食品种类也多,每个库房有自己所要求的工作温度。本课题设计针对目前冷库的冷气泄漏检测的现状及其存在的主要问题,通过对目前各种温度传感器的分析与研究,对温度传感器做出合理选择,达到优化整体结构,提高温度检测精度,同时使系统便于维护的目的。并通过对各种信号传输方式的分析和研究,在保证系统结构简洁、具有较高性价比的基础上,提出延长数据传输距离的新方案,设计出一种多路温度巡检仪电路,来进行对冷库的温度检测。 关键词: 单片机; 温度检测; DS1820 Abstract With the development of science and technology, peoples demand for the quality of frozen food is increasingly improved. How well the food looks and to what extent it keeps fresh is closely related to the freezing temperature. The temperature required, however, varies from food to food. The length of time taken to freeze food regulates the temperature accordingly. Therefore, a need seems to be great to work out a temperature-measuring system for freezers, which should be more effective and practical. Drawing on the analysis of the features presented by various temperature sensors and the central line of operation, this paper suggests that a temperature-measuring system for the freezer be set up. As a result of this suggestion, the system is made possible with the characteristics of simplicity, stability, accuracy and visibility.In addition to studying the principles underlying the measurement of temperature by the digital sensor DS1820, this paper also provides a better calculation of its measuring accuracy and an improvement of its working efficiency. To meet the needs of tolerate transit, the digital transmitting techniques are applied to the system, the power line carrier wave tile-circuit with a bus transfer interface is supplied, and whats more, a detailed introduction is given to illustrate the operation. The design of central operating interface adopts a process of graphic software to have the cubic graphs embedded in VB, which brings the images on the screen more clos


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