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276 ( ) ( ) 江苏农业学报 J iangsu J. of A g r. S ci. , 2009 , 25 2 : 276 ~281 植物的亲水疏水特性与农药药液行为的分析 顾中言 (江苏省农业科学院植物保护研究所 ,江苏 南京 2 100 14)   摘要 :  通过观察 ,雨水能很好地在棉花 、黄瓜 、桃树等植物叶面铺展成水膜 ,能很好的沾湿石榴 、扁豆 、辣椒等 植物 ,在叶面形成弧形或半圆形的水滴 ,但雨水不能使红花酢浆草 、水稻 、甘蓝等植物润湿 ,而是在叶面形成球形的 水珠 ,极易滚落 。大于 3 125 m g/L TX10水溶液和大于 200 m g/L杀虫单 矿物油微乳剂的表面张力均小于水稻或 甘蓝的临界表面张力 ,因此在水稻或甘蓝叶面能形成弧形或半圆形的水滴 ,很好地沾湿叶片 ,甚至可以在叶面铺展 成水膜 。 关键词 :  植物 ; 亲水性 ; 疏水性 ; 液体 ; 行为 中图分类号 :  S143. 92   文献标识码 :  A    文章编号 : (2009) 02 27606 Ana lysis of the Rela tion ship between Hydroph ilic or Hydrophob ic Property of Plan t and Action of Pestic ides Solution on Plan ts L eaves GU Zhongyan ( Institu te of P lan t P rotection, J iangsu A cadem y of A g ricu ltu ra l S ciences, N anj ing 2 100 14, Ch ina)   Ab stract:  The fact was found through the ob servation on nature phenom ena that rain cou ld wet and sp read on the leaves of p lan ts such a s cotton, cucum ber, p each, and so on, that rain cou ld form drop s of arcshap ed or sem iround on the leaves of p lan ts such a s pom egranate, pu rp le haricot, p epp er, and so on, and that rain cou ld not wet bu t form ed water polo on the leave s of p lants such a s corym b wood sorrel, rice, cabbage, and so on, wh ich wou ld roll off the leave s easily. W hen the surface ten sion s of TX10 solu tion more than 3 125 m g/L or molno su ltap oilM E more than 200 m g/L were sm aller than the critical su rface ten sion of rice or cabbage leaves, the solution cou ld form drop s of arcshap ed or sem iround and even sp read on the leave s of rice or cabbage. Key word s:  p lan t; hydroph ilicity; hydrop hob icity; liqu id; action   喷洒的农药药液能否有效地粘附在植物表面一


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