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华中科技大学文华学院 毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 (本科学生用) 题 目:____ Paintings in Proust_________ ____《追忆似水年华视觉伴侣Paintings in Proust By Eric Karpeles reviewed by David Ebony Published: June 2008 Publisher: Thames Hudson It took me three years to read Marcel Proust’s sprawling novel à la Recherche du temps perdu in translation. It’s true that after a few hundred pages, one gets pulled in by the book’s hypnotic allure, and eventually Proust’s world becomes as difficult to step away from as a plate of warm madeleines. But I needed a break between volumes in order to read other things, restore my own vision and at least attempt to create my own sort of Proustian existence, albeit on a shoestring and minus a cork-lined bedroom. View Slideshow Paintings in Proust: A Visual Companion to In Search of Lost Time by Eric Karpeles, New York, Thames Hudson, 2008; 352 pages, .; Giotto: The Dream of Joachim, 1304-06, fresco, approx. 72 by 78 inches. Cappella Scrovegni (Arena Chapel), Padua.; Since finishing the final volume some years ago, while on a slow train from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore, I have on occasion returned to certain favorite passages among the novel’s 3,200-odd pages, as Proustian devotees tend to do. These lines frequently center on observations by the novel’s unnamed narrator on music and drama performances (whether salon-style or theatrical), architecture and especially artworks. Some of the compositions described in the text were entirely imagined by Proust, such as the paintings by Elstir, whom the narrator so admires. Others, though real, are rather obscure works celebrated in Proust’s time but largely forgotten today. Most of the examples, however, are familiar art-historical pieces or avant-garde productions that remain celebrated; prominent among them are works by Giotto, Bellini, Titian, Velázquez, Chardin, Whistler, Manet, Monet, Degas, Renoir and Picasso, all vividly evoked in the writing. Establishing a kind of meta-art criticism within the narrative, Pro


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