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台灣西南部海嘯警報系統建立之初始研究 李昭興 1 2 3 許樹坤 吳季莊 1 海洋大學應用地球科學研究所 2中央大學地球物理研究所 3 海洋大學海洋環境資訊學系 郭鎧紋 王承韜 中央氣象局地震測報中心 摘 要 本計畫的主要目的是搜索過去曾經在我國西南部海岸和海域發生的古海嘯記 錄,並且針對本地區馬尼拉隱沒帶的活動性和豐富天然氣水合物所可能帶來的海 嘯威脅,研擬未來籌劃「台灣西南部海嘯警報 系統建立之初始研究」。雖然本文 模擬的海嘯是以類似 2004 年 12月 26屏東大地震的地震參數為主,但台灣西南部 天然氣水合物的驟然釋放,也會產生類似的海嘯侵襲 。地震規模 7.0 ; 震源長度 100 公里、震源深度 10 公里、和震源寬度 10 公里的能量,足以產生 4 公尺的海 嘯,而且時間介於 10-60 分鐘可能侵襲台灣西南部海岸、台灣東部海岸、和所有 其他外島包括綠島、蘭嶼和東沙島( ) 。台灣活躍的地體構造活動,無法避免海嘯 的侵襲,但若於平時做好減災和應變的準備工 作,便可在海嘯產生時,有效地減 輕災害和衝擊。 The main purpose of this project is to study the current and paleo- tsunami information in the southwestern coast of Taiwan. In order to establish our own “Tsunami Warning System”, the Seismological Center of the Central Weather Bureau promotes an initial research to gain a better understanding of the characteristics and possible mechanism of “Taiwan Tsunami”. A series of studies, such as (1) the possible origin of tsunami, (2) the trace of paleo-tsunami, (3) the relationship between the tsunami and earthquake, and (4) the importance of public education and training were carried out. The results of this project show that the southwestern Taiwan located closely to the Manila Subduction Seismogenic System. The seabottom crustal faulting due to an earthquake event or the seafloor landslide due to a massive release of the gas hydrate may cause regional tsunami of this area. Historical earthquake literatures indicate several tsunamis had attacked southwestern Taiwan. If an earthquake tsunami takes place in this area, the coastal areas locate in near-field region where the ts


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