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A group of children were playing near two railway tracks, one still in use while the other disused. Only one child played on the disused track, the rest on the operational track. The train came, and you were just beside the track interchange. It was not possible to stop the train but You could make the train change its course to the disused track and saved most of the kids. However, that would also mean the lone child playing by the disused track would be sacrificed. Or would you rather let the train go its way? Lets take a pause to think what kind of decision we could make................ Analyze the situation…………. 分析一下形勢… Think and reflect……. 仔細想想… Decide your answer !!!! 給出你的答案!!! Now … go ahead 現在…繼續!!! Most people might choose to divert the course of the train, and sacrifice only one child. To save most of the children at the expense of only one child was a rational decision most people would make, morally and emotionally. But, have you ever thought that the child choosing to play on the disused track had in fact made the right decision to play at a safe place? 但是,你是否想過,那名選擇在停用鐵軌上玩的小孩顯然是做出了正確決定- -在安全的地方玩? Nevertheless, he had to be sacrificed because of his ignorant friends who chose to play where the danger was. 然而他卻必須 為那些選擇在危險的地方玩的無知的朋友們而去犧牲。 This kind of dilemma happens around us everyday. In the office, community, in politics and especially in a democratic society, the minority is often sacrificed for the interest of the majority, no matter how foolish or ignorant the majority are, and how far-sighted and knowledgeable the minority are. 這種進退兩難的局面 每天都在我們的身邊發生。 在辦公室、團體裡、政治圈裡,尤其在一個民主的社會,少數人常常為了多數人的利益而犧牲,無論那些多數人是多麼愚蠢和無知,無論少數人多麼有遠見和卓識。 The child who chose not to play with the rest on the operational track was sidelined. And in the case he was sacrificed, no one would shed a tear for him. 那個選擇不與其他小孩在仍在使用的鐵軌上玩耍的唯一小孩 被逐出局。他如果被犧牲掉,沒有人為他落一滴眼淚。 To make the proper decision is not try to change the course of the train, because the kids playing on the operationa


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