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2014年哈师大附中高三第三次模拟英语试题答案;1-5 BACBA 6-10 ACBCA 11-15 BCBAC 16-20 BACBA 21-24 CABD 25-28 CDAB 29-32 BABC 33-35 CCB 36-40 ECAFG 41-45 CDACA 46-50 DBABD 51-55 CABAC 56-60 ACDDB;61. speaking 62. him / his voice 63. when 64. the 65. haven’t seen 66. worst 67. could/was able to 68. terrified 69. circumstances 70. without;Dear Diary, Today I teamed up with a couple from my hotel and hired car. We spent all day driving around the city. There’s a great drive marking out for tourists. It has blue and white signs with;seagulls on it to show the way to go. The drive turned out to be a very much pleasant trip and we stopped many times to take photograph. In the evening, we went to Chinatown which some Chinese people settled during;the 1850s. There is a museum contain documents and objects about the history of Chinese immigration, so unluckily it was closed. We decide to go back during the day. We had a taste;meal and then drove back. What a fun day! Yours, Mary;Whether Students Should Open Online Stores With the Internet booming rapidly, creating an online store becomes fashionable. Meanwhile, more and more students are getting into the field to show their capabilities. But opinions on whether they should do it are divided into two aspects. Students who are in favor of it believe that it offers an opportunity to make them get in;touch with society ahead of time. What’s more, it will toughen them better. On the contrary, it’s thought that opening online stores will distract students from their study. Moreover, so naive are students that they would be taken in easily. As for me, opening online stores is a good idea, partly because we should gain and accumulate some experience before getting into society; partly;because we need to achieve our maturity earlier. Just find the balance.


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