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( ) 24 4 JOURNAL OF GUANGXI UNIVERSITYFOR NATIONALITIES VOL. 24 NO.4 2002 7 (Philosophy and Social ScienceEdition) JUL. 2002 u 郝时远/ 著 对西方学界有关族群 ( et hnic group) 释义的辨析 对 [ ] 从西方学界有关这 一术语的部分定义入手, 从中抽取其普遍的要素进行应用 西 性的分 , 将这 一术语的含义和应用限定于人类社会/ 族类0 共同体范畴, 并通过图式化的说 方 学 明, 就西方国家释义和应用这 一术语的情况进行了辨识, 以期为该术语在/ 本土化0( 族群) 过程 界 中如何理解其含义和怎样把握其应用的边界提供 一个可供参考的背景 有 [ ] ethnic group( 族群) ; 释义与应用; 民族共同体 关 [ ] C91214 [ ] A [ ] 1002- 3887( 2002) 04- 0010- 08 族 群 ` Discussion about the Definition of Ethnic Grou in e t h the Western Academic Field n i c g HAO Shi- yuan r o u ( Chi na A cademy of Social Scie nces, Beij i ng 100871, Chi na) p a 释 Abstract:T his art icle deals w it h t he common eat ures o t he de init ion o 义 的 ethnic g roup in t he w est ern academ ic ield and discusses it s current u sage in western 辨 countries in order to grasp its exact sense and applicat ion scope in the course o na- 析 t ivizat ion o t his t erminology. Key Words:et hnic group, de init ion and application, nat ional com munit y 郝 时 远 , 20 0 , ethnic gr oup( ethnic community, ethnicity ) : ethnos et hnic group 11 / ( ethnicity ) , 0 ¹ , , 21 / , ethnos 0 º / 0, 31 / ( national) 0 » , , 41 / ( ethnic group ¹ Et hnic group, ht tp:


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