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* 一、something 1 something 不简单的事,可观的成绩,有些地位的人 At least we didn’t lose any money. That’s something. It’s something to have got $500 from them. She thinks she’s something since she won the beauty contest. 2 用于成语或词组: have something on 拿着某人的把柄 Although Miss Brown is not a good worker, her boss dare not fire her because she has something on him. make something of ① 小题大做, 瞎猜测 When girls see another girl with a boy, they often try to make something of it. ②藉…吵架 / 生气 Ann didn’t like what Mary said about her. She tried to make something of what Mary said. ③ 看懂意思 I apologize for the untidiness of my letter , but I hope you can make something of it . make something of oneself/ one’s life 取得成功, 有出息 He’s a clever boy---I hope he’ll make something of himself. or something …之类的人(东西、情况等) Mr Green is a shopkeeper or something. I hear he has broken an arm or something. see something of someone 有时见到某人 I hope we’ll see something of you now that you live nearby. something for nothing 不冒风险(不下功夫)就有收获 Some people will never learn that you can’t get something for nothing. something like ①大约,约摸 It cost something like ten pounds. ②有点像 The building looked something like a church. something like that/ this 大致如此 I see them once every two months, or something like that. I’ll whistle the tune for you; it goes something like this. something of 有点…,可说是一个,在某种程度上是 He’s something of a liar, don’t you think? The soldier found himself something of a hero when he returned to his village. something tells me 我想/感到,我有理由相信 Something tells me my watch isn’t quite right. Something tells me she’s lying. something to/ in (话里)有些道理 There is something to / in what you say: I’ll take your advice. have/ be something to do with 和…有关/联系 I think Guy Fawkes is / has something to do with a plan to blow up Parliament. 二、 anything 用于成语: be anything but 根本不是,一点也不 I don’t mean he’s lazy---anything but! He was anything but a hero / polite. 他根本不是英雄 / 他一点也不礼貌。


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