Unit 6 Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature.Section B (仁爱版九年级下).ppt

Unit 6 Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature.Section B (仁爱版九年级下).ppt

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Unit 6 Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature.Section B (仁爱版九年级下)

Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature? Section B What are the four classic novels of Chinese literature? Can you list some characters in them? Journey to the West The Romance of the Three Kingdoms The Story by the Water Margin Dream of the Red Chamber classic adj. 最优秀的;经典的 literature n. 文学 Do you like the heroes or heroines in these novels? Jane Eyre Robinson Harry Potter Can you list any other books and the characters in them? Look, listen and say (影片1) Who is Kangkang’s favorite character in literature? Who is the bravest character in Michael’s opinion? Do you know the meaning of “one tree can’t make a forest” in Chinese? The Monkey King. Harry Potter. It means “独木难成林” in Chinese. He is a hero in the novel called Journey to the West, which is one of the four classic novels of Chinese literature. which is one of the four classic novels of Chinese literature为非限制性定语从句,用来修饰先行词Journey to the West. Describe the characters in 1a to your partner. Then discuss their characteristics and fill out the table. characteristics Harry’s friends Harry Potter Pigsy Sandy The Monkey King Character funny, clever, brave… honest, wise, helpful … wise, helpful, kind, funny, a little lazy… brave, handsome, kind … helpful, wise … Make a similar dialog as 1a. The following sentences may help you. Who is your favorite character in literature? My favorite character is … Why? Because … Do you like heroes better than other characters in the books that you read? Choose one book, and discuss the characters in it with your partners. Do you think that a hero needs friends? What can the Monkey King do? The Monkey King can fly. He can hide by turning himself into a small living thing such as a bee or a fly. fly v. 飞 n. 苍蝇 Read and understand (影片2) Who are mentioned in this passage? Have you ever wondered why you like heroes better than other characters in the books that you read? 你是否曾感到过疑惑:在你读过的书里面,和其他人物相比,你为什么更喜欢主角? 在此句中wondered后接了一个由


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