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* * * * * * * The solution for this is to be what we call Simply Connected. It should be simple for the employees to choose and change their devices, it should be simple for them to securely access their business applications, it should be simple for the IT department to provision one policy per user that works on everything and the whole network should be simpler to manage. Getting to Simply Connected requires a network approach that we call Wired – Less. This means that wireless is the primary access method and that there are fewer wires in the wireline network to manage. * Matching Wired Users Expectations Networks are migrating away from stationary users on wired connections to devices that got connected on dedicated known bandwidth and capacity This has been the standard architecture for many years. Click Once WLAN Access demand is driven by the earlier outlined explosive growth of wireless devices and bandwidth hungry mobile applications. This is creating an rapid increase in the demand of mobile users. But let’s not forget they need to share bandwidth among each other and with many wireless devices. “Air is a Different Medium” it’s a “Shared Medium” and it comes with it’s own set of network rules and best practices. From a user perspective this is not relevant or obvious, the “Wired- Like” network experience has been set and must be met. EOS * Proprietary and Confidential - Do Not Distribute Proprietary and Confidential - Do Not Distribute * * Juniper(Trapeze)在2006年正式推出了 Smart Mobile 智能交换体系架构——在对所有AP实现集中控管的前提下,同时支持“胖 AP”的“本地转发”和“瘦 AP”的“分布式转发”。 对于那些对延迟比较敏感的应用:如语音,分布式转发能够在最大程度上减少延迟,并且能够优化语音的漫游,从而使 Trapeze的无线平台上能够为用户提供真正的语音业务。 另外,采用分布式转发部署 WLAN 还有一个好处,就是:当企业将现有的 802.11a/b/g网络升级到802.11n 网络时,无须升级现有的无线控制器。要知道802.11n会将无线网络的数据流量提高现在的 10 倍左右,如果采用集中式转发体系,势必需要将现有的控制器升级以处理多出的流量,而采用分布式转发,则增加的流量会被有线网络所消化,不会冲击到后端的控制器。 * 能想到的控制手段,我们都有办法来实现; * Proprietary and Confidential - Do Not Distribute Proprietary and Confidential - Do Not Distribute * RingMaster drives a


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