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conductor 售票员 Pass along the car, please! Said the conductor. 售票员说:请往里走! the conductor asked him for his ticket. 列车员查他的票。 fare 车费 The conductor wouldnt let me off until Id paid the fare. 车掌不让我下车,直到我付了车钱。 Lets look at the bill of fare and decide what were going to eat. 让我们先看看菜单,然后再决定打算吃什么。 charge Significant change must be significantly better. 重大改变必须是非常好的改变。 Time for Change 改变的时机 Tide change over time, and so must you. 世事无常,你要顺势而为。 note 纸币 字条 This note is only a reminder. 谨此提请注意。 This note is no longer current. 这种纸币已不流通。 . Take careful note of what I say and please dont forget it. 请仔细记录我的话,并且不要忘记了。 passager 乘客 Each passenger on; hes overweight for take-off as it is. 每个乘客可以携带一个小手提箱放在飞机的座位下。 Fifth Avenue, save for an occasional cab or foot passenger, was bare. 第五大道上,除了偶尔有辆公共马车或者有个步行的过路人之外,已经空空荡荡。 none 没有任何东西 None of this concerns me. 这事跟我一点也没关系。 This was your best performance, bar none. 毫无例外,这是你最好的演出 He is none the worse for it. 虽然这样他倒一点也不在乎。 neither 也不 Neither of us is sensitive about age. 你知道我们两个人都不注重年龄。 A line has length but neither breadth nor thickness. 线有长度,但既没有宽度,也没有厚度。 get off 下车 Get off and walk back till you come to some traffic lights. 下车后往回走,直到你走到红绿灯为止。 Dont get off a moving bus. 公共汽车开的时候不要下车。 What time do you get off work ? 你什么时候下班?0? tramp 流浪汉 I noticed that a tramp prowled around. 我发现一个流浪汉在周围徘徊。 The tramps bed was a park bench. 公园里的长凳就是这个流浪汉的床. Hes a tramp and used to living rough. 他是流浪汉, 惯於风餐雨卧. except 除……之外 Also he masters Russian except English. 除英语外,他也精通俄语。 Except for one minor incident, he seemed to be in excellent health. 他除了偶然发生过一次小病外,似乎非常健康。 Fares, please! 句型分析:祈使句 fare 一般指交通工具的的票价、费用,所以Fares please 就是请付(结账)票价钱,一般是售票员说的。 All fares please! 请结账 I cant change a ten-pound note. 句型分析:否定句 ten-pound 形容词 十磅的, 后加名词 ten pounds 名词 十磅 ten pounds,也是定语用法,表示“10十英镑的”。 It took him ten pounds to get the ticket.他用了十英镑才解决了门票。 It


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