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運管碩一 林菁倫 運管碩一 林菁倫 運管碩一 林菁倫 運管碩一 林菁倫 林菁倫 台中人 求學經歷:政治大學統計系 交通大學運管所 張新立老師實驗室(sony lab) 興趣:跑步、看棒球 人生哲學:喜新不厭舊 2011/10/6 運管碩一 林菁倫 * Chapter 1 Introduction to Organizations 指導教授:任維廉教授    報告人:林菁倫           2011.10.06 2011/10/6 * 運管碩一 林菁倫 Outlines (1)Organization theory in action (2)What is an organization (3)Dimensions of organization design (4)The evolution of organization theory and design (5)Organizational configuration (6)Efficient performance versus the learning organization 2011/10/6 運管碩一 林菁倫 * (1)Organization Theory in Action(1/3) Current Challenges 1. Globalizations 2. Intense Competition 3. Ethics and Social Responsibility 4. Speed and Responsiveness 5. The Digital Workplace 6. Diversity 2011/10/6 運管碩一 林菁倫 * (1)Organization Theory in Action(2/3) Current Challenges 2011/10/6 運管碩一 林菁倫 * (1)Organization Theory in Action(3/3) Today’s customers want products and services tailored to their exact needs, and they want them now. “離開的顧客不會再回頭” 2011/10/6 運管碩一 林菁倫 * (2)What is an Organization?(1/3) Definition-(1)social entities that are (2)goal-directed, (3)are designed as deliberately structured and coordinated activity systems, and are (4)linked to the external environment. 2011/10/6 運管碩一 林菁倫 * (2)What is an Organization?(2/3) 2011/10/6 運管碩一 林菁倫 * (2)What is an Organization?(3/3) Importance of organizations Bring together resources to achieve desired goals and outcomes. Produce goods and services effectively and efficiently. Innovations Adapt to and influence a changing environment Create value for owners, customers, and employees. 2011/10/6 運管碩一 林菁倫 * (3)Dimensions of Organization Design(1/3) 2011/10/6 運管碩一 林菁倫 * Structural dimensions Contextual dimensions 內部環境 1.正式化 2.專門化 3.權力層級 4.集權化 5.專業化 6.人員比率 外部環境 1.規模 2.技術 3.環境 4.目標與策略 5.文化 (3)Dimensions of Organization Design(2/3) Performance and effectiveness outcomes Effectiveness(效能)-Do right things. Efficiency(效率) -Do things right. 效能比效率重要 2011/10/6 運管碩一 林菁倫 * (3)Dimens



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