满分作文凤头豹尾集锦(Out of the composition of crested leopard tail).doc

满分作文凤头豹尾集锦(Out of the composition of crested leopard tail).doc

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满分作文凤头豹尾集锦(Out of the composition of crested leopard tail)

满分作文凤头豹尾集锦(Out of the composition of crested leopard tail) friendship The friendship between the modern people is strong and fragile. Its the treasure of the world, for us to cherish. Friendship is not transitive, determines that it is a rare book book. We can have different friendships with different people, but we dont have a different friendship with the same person. Friendship is a deeper roadway, can not go back, The imprint is engraved on my heart. friendship like hatred, never forget. Conclusion: long history, not material wealth, but in perfect sympathy with each other mutual affection, friends and candid exchanges, will enable us to hold the truth of the sensitive, will make our eyes off clouds, cheerful mood again. Unite At the beginning, I always filled with a thousand regrets every time I hear this song this song unity is strength, especially in the XX things, experience more profound At the end: a drop of water is insignificant. When it passes through the soil, it disappears, and the river becomes a stream. As we are, in the face of many difficulties, a person always highlights the weak, and can not do, but when we unite, but can create countless miracles. Tolerant At the beginning of human life: tolerance is a supreme virtue. For tolerance consists in the mind of man, for forgiveness transcends all things, for forgiveness requires a great heart. Because tolerance is the most important part of human emotion, this emotion can melt the frost in the heart. The lack of tolerance, will make the personality from the great degeneration, even the ordinary is inferior to. Conclusion: life is often complicated and often insipid. Because tolerant like water, so that all become pure filtered; because tolerant fire, make the light increasingly clear through the calcine; because of the more tolerant, to give life to art, to give life to the eternal. understanding At the beginning of understanding: such as a cup of tea, dilute the misunderstanding between each other;


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