现代师范教育发展方向的探讨(Discussion on the development direction of modern normal education).doc

现代师范教育发展方向的探讨(Discussion on the development direction of modern normal education).doc

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现代师范教育发展方向的探讨(Discussion on the development direction of modern normal education)

现代师范教育发展方向的探讨(Discussion on the development direction of modern normal education) 科教平台.. 2008 no.07science科技创新导报 科技创新导报 现代师范教育发展方向的探讨 邱唯田华 (广东肇庆学院广东肇庆526061) 摘要:近年来,我国高等教育迎来了前所未有的发展机遇。然而,高等教育大家族中传统的高等师范教育却面临着危机,速成思想、功 利主义、重量轻质等办学观念大行其道。对此,必须正视所面临的危机与挑战,及早作出策略应对,本文拟简要分析我国高等师范教育 的历史演变,提出新形势下高等师范教育的发展方向和思路,从而使我国的高等师范教育更好地服务于经济发展、社会进步,实现国民 整体素质的提高。 关键词:师范教育发展方向探讨 中图分类号:G42文献标识码:一文章编号:1674-098x(2008)03(一)- 0235-02 我国师范教育始于1897年(光绪二十三 年)。早在1896年,梁启超发出”欲革旧习,兴 智学,必以立师范学堂为第一义”的呼吁,清 政府大理寺少卿盛宣怀经奏准在上海创办南 洋公学,内设师范院为其他各院培养师资,此 1902年京师大学堂内为我国师范教育之始。 设师范馆,培养中学师资,从此建立了师范教 育体系。 1传统师范教育的特点 1.1在模仿中发展与壮大 100多年来的产生与发纵观我国师范教育 展历程, It can be found that the normal education in our country is one The road of imitation, development and innovation is mainly manifested in: Start in imitation of japan. After the Sino Japanese naval war, China Found that the development of Japanese economy and strong source in its modern education Together with the cultural traditions and politics of China and Japan The system, the geographical environment and so on are similar, which provides for China A good example of learning to imitate. Therefore, Chinas education will develop An imitation of the Japanese trend took place. Founded in 1897 by Sheng Xuanhuai Chinas first government run normal school - Nanyang, 1902 In 2000, Zhang Jian founded our first private normal school State normal school, can be said to imitate the production of Japan . Change in imitation of the United states. 54 period, as a result of the people The development of ethnic group industry, the rise of new culture movement and the students studying in America Back home, the widespread dissemination of pragmatic educational ideas, domestic teaching The call for reform is on the rise. Beiyang Government in 1922 In November published the school system reform, namely the renxu school system. It imitates the American model and cancels the independent Teacher Education The system of pro american, open type teacher education is not fulfilled The



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