现场成本管理(Site cost management).doc

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现场成本管理(Site cost management)

现场成本管理(Site cost management) Site cost management Site cost management, 2009-02-03, 21:51:24 Abstract: This is my own construction experience, reference to other information summary of an article on cost management. We hope to help! Key words: construction site management; cost management 1., in the project department, decomposition of responsibility at all levels, layers of decomposition of responsibility costs, layers of responsibility signed. Define the responsibilities of each member of the project department, who is responsible and who is responsible. Raise the sense of responsibility among the members of the project department, and keep the responsibility book on the wall to remind the members of the project department. 2., specific assessment measures: you can set up an assessment team within the project department, after each process is completed, according to the project team member responsibility, cost, completion of the deliberations, assessment. Within the respective cost range, the cost savings are reduced by the cost of 2%-5% as a bonus reward to the relevant personnel. If the cost is excessive and man-made overhead, the bonus is deducted by 1% of the cost. 3., we must start with details and strengthen enforcement. Details determine success or failure, there is no loss of industry, only the loss of the enterprise. The loss of a project is often not a failure of decision making, but a lack of implementation of the rules and regulations. From the use of materials and management, human resources management, mechanical use and management of three aspects of how to control site construction costs First, in the whole process of construction, the material cost accounts for 60 to 70% of the total construction cost. In order to control the total cost of construction, it should be highly valued in the management and use of materials, Strengthen management, reduce unnecessary economic loss during construction. We must change the old material procurement managemen


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